E-journals in online services (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 22 Sep 1997 14:21 UTC

2 messages, 102 lines:

Date:         Sun, 21 Sep 1997 14:58:10 -0700
From:         Crystal Graham <cgraham@GORT.UCSD.EDU>
Subject:      Re: E-journals in online services (Donna Vavrek)

We have cataloged hundreds of titles by adding the URL to the record for
the print serial.  (I can't imagine why some prefer separate records) To
see examples, go to http://roger.ucsd.edu and search on the local genre
heading "Online resources."  We disagree, however, with the policy of
adding the URL to the print record only when you own the print.  If you
(ever) contribute your records to a union catalog, you will have a mess of
records where some merge together on a master record and others separate
for no apparent reason, when the print is owned by some members and not

We run a URL verification program and have been pleasantly surprised how
few of them change.  In a few cases we've had to search "up the stem" or
follow up with the email address of the individual/institution to find a
relocated site, but this is relatively rare -- nothing like the
proportion of print serials that disappear!  We've only had one Web site
vanish completely.

A more serious problem for us is the cataloging of "free" sites that
become "paid" and we fail to detect this because we can still get to the
Web site, but not access the full-text anymore.

Crystal Graham
University of California, San Diego

On Fri, 19 Sep 1997  Donna Vavrek <libvavrek@ALPHA.NLU.EDU> wrote:

> Here at NLU we are beginning to add the URL address to our bib records
> where we have a print and online subscription for a serial title.  The online
> version of the publication appears as copy 2 and the patron can "click"
> on the http address if they have the correct equipment and software to
> go from the online catalog to the web site.  This allows for "one stop shop-
> ping".  I just "discovered" this neat trick last week.
> We have one title, The ACM journal of experimental algorithmics which is
> only available online, however, so it appears in our catalog as a computer
> file with its own http address.
> I think it is important to add the http addresses to the bib records, but I
> am very concerned about their stability.  I also prefer having all the infor-
> mation on a title in one place.

> Donna L.Vavrek
> Serials Librarian
> Sandel Library                          email:libvavrek@alpha.nlu.edu
> Northeast Louisiana University          phone:(318)342-1074
> Monroe, LA 71209                        fax:  (318)342-1075

Date:         Mon, 22 Sep 1997 09:50:22 -0400
From:         Ann Hill <jackie@FRONTIER.WILPATERSON.EDU>
Subject:      Re: E-journals in online services (Carol Green)

We at William Paterson University import the OCLC record for the online
title into our catalog and enter the URL. It is our hope that in the
future we will be able to put a hot link in the catalog so that patrons
can go directly from the catalog to the online journal.


On Thu, 18 Sep 1997 Carol Green <Carol.Green@USM.EDU> wrote:

> We currently subscribe to two online services, EBSCOHost and
> ProQuest Online, both of which provide access to around 1500
> journals in electronic format, some of which are full text.  Both
> services provide a list of the journals indexed which is accessible
> through their websites.  Individual titles from the list are not
> accessible in our local online catalog.
> To serve the user, we feel the e-journal titles need to be in the
> online catalog with a "pointer" or URL to EBSCOHost or ProQuest
> or sometimes both.  We want to be able to delete titles easily in the
> event of cancellation of a subscription.  Rather than searching OCLC
> and exporting MARC records if available or doing full original cataloging,
> we propose the creation of a local record with a minimal number of fields
> necessary to direct the user to the online services where that journal is
> found.  We really don't want to "hang" the URL on the print record if there
> is one.
> Is anyone else working with the same situation?  Are you adding the titles
> from the online services to your catalog or not?  Any comments or
> ideas would be welcome.  Thanks!

> <>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>
> Carol D. Green
> Serials Librarian
> University Libraries
> The University of Southern Mississippi
> Box 5053
> Hattiesburg, MS  39406-5053
> Carol.Green@usm.edu
> (601)266-4476   (601)266-6033 fax
> <>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>