Re: Microform supplier required Kent Mulliner 04 Sep 1997 14:54 UTC

Stephen Lacey <> wrote:
>For many years the National Library of Australia received microfilm from
>Bell & Howell, and later UMI, for "Sabah times" and "Borneo bulletin".
>The latest we hold is June 1989 and June 1992 respectively.
>UMI advised  they no longer handle these titles, and could not provide
>information on a new supplier, so I am trying to find out who may be
>able to supply them.
>Any assistance that can be provided would be greatly appreciated.

        A subcommittee of PPM/LAS (in short the library associations
of Malaysia and Singapore) divided up the filming of newspapers.

        For the Sabah Times, the responsible body is the
Archiv Negeri Sarawak (Sarawak State Archives) and for the
Borneo Bulletin, the National University of Singapore Library.

K. Mulliner       Collection Development Coordinator & Asst. to Dean
"Owner"  CORMOSEA & cap-sea Electronic Mailing Lists

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