Re: Cataloging newspaper microfilm (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 24 Sep 1997 19:46 UTC

2 messages, 45 lines:

Date:         Wed, 24 Sep 1997 14:45:45 -0400
From:         RC Dowd <>
Subject:      Re: Cataloging newspaper microfilm
Comments: To: Victoria Swinney <vswinney@CUOK.CAMERON.EDU>


Rather than doing all of the work necessary to "combine in one record" 22
different newspaper titles compromising 40 years of film, I suggest you
contact the Oklahoma Newspaper Project at the Oklahoma Historical Society
to see if someone involved might have already seen this film.  If not,
there will certainly be a plan afoot which includes cataloging newspapers
at your library, along with others around the state.  This will save you a
great deal of trouble, as newspaper catalogers are quite fond of the
AACR2/CONSER/USNP descriptive elements which include "all of the necessary
links" you refer to.

Bob Dowd
New York State Newspaper Project

Date:         Wed, 24 Sep 1997 14:29:42 -0500
From:         Carolyn Shaffer <SHAFFER@JCL.LIB.KS.US>
Subject:      Re: Cataloging newspaper microfilm

Good luck.  You will need it to keep your sanity and eyesight intact.
Actually it's mostly time consuming.  Technically, you do need to
do the 22 records unless you have access to something like OCLC where you
may find most of the titles.  Whoever did those records may have had
to rely on Microfilm as well and may not have caught a change.  For your
patrons, if you are not putting the records into a national system, then
do what works best for them, keeping the spirit of AACR2 if not the exact
law.  Do the best you can with what you have available.  Microfilm and
serials are not librarian friendly formats.

Carolyn Shaffer
Johnson County Library