Cataloging newspaper microfilm Victoria Swinney - Instr. Library 24 Sep 1997 17:26 UTC


I need some advice on cataloging newspaper microfilm.  I have in hand
microfilm of 40 years of Oklahoma Historical Society files of Shawnee,
Oklahoma newspapers.  Sometimes various editions of the papers from one
publisher are intermingled (i.e. weekly and regular editions).  Should I
catalog each of the 22 different titles separately, or is it acceptable to
combine in one record some or all of the following titles:

Shawnee Herald (Weekly ed.) 1901-1907
Shawnee Herald 1905-1906
Shawnee Daily Herald 1906-1911
Shawnee Weekly Herald 1919
Shawnee Semi-weekly Herald 1919
The Semi-Weekly Herald 1919-1920
The Weekly Herald 1920-1925
Shawnee Weekly Herald 1925-1929

I hate to create 22 records with all of the necessary links, since
generally patrons will simply be looking for the city, but how do I
reconcile this with AACR2 and cooperative cataloging?

     /\  /\       Victoria K. Swinney
 /\ /  \/  \      Serials/Reference/Bibliographic Instruction Librarian
/  /   /    \
Cameron University     2800 W. Gore Blvd.    voice:   (405) 581-2960
Library                Lawton, OK 73505      fax:     (405) 581-2386
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