Re: Internet journal access - reply to Jeri Van Goethem Marla Edelman 21 Aug 1997 15:10 UTC


        There's nothing on the campus network.  An announcement was made
at faculty Senate last year but the only people who have expressed
interest have been a few librarians and 1 or 2 faculty that heard about
the access long before the Senate meeting.  We did a test before the
announcement to see if more than one simultaneous user could have access.
They could.  Since it's been a while, it's possible that this is no longer
an option.  I haven't had any requests in the past year but I did give the
information to Reference and they may be using it.

        I forward the Daily Reports to 2 librarians and a third one has
his own subscription.

        Sorry, if this is not the answer you hoped for.

 Marla Edelman, Serials Librarian
 Jackson Library - UNC Greensboro
    Greensboro, NC  27412-5201
(910) 334-5996 phone; 334-5399 FAX