Re: Internet journal access (4 messages) Birdie MacLennan 21 Aug 1997 13:47 UTC

4 messages, 119 lines:

Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 16:22:27 -0500
From: Jeanette Skwor <SKWORJ@GBMS01.UWGB.EDU>
Subject: Re: Internet journal access

Regarding access to the Chronicle of Higher Education, I should have said I
am not the person who got the password first (we did have two subscriptions
for awhile, but that's another story) and it is assigned to the reference

Jeanette Skwor

Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 18:01:45 EST
From: "Jeri Van Goethem" <jvg@MAIL.LIB.DUKE.EDU>
Subject: Re[2]: Internet journal access


Re: communication below on the Chronicle of Higher Education:

How do you then provide access to your users?  From one terminal at the
Ref desk; or over the campus network?  We scripted in our library password
and gave campus wide access, but were discovered by the "Chronicle
Internet police" who told us we could not do that.  We can only share, one
by one, from the reference desk.  Maybe I should complain again??

Our library is paying for multiple print subscriptions which, then, should
entitle us to serve the journal up electronically to our library patrons;
but the Chronicle is afraid they will lose those individual faculty
subscriptions, obviously.

Jeri Van Goethem
Duke University

"MARLA EDELMAN" <> wrote:

Carol Jones <carol.jones@YALE.EDU> wrote:
> In our experience, The Chronicle has made it very clear that each
> individual who accesses the online version must have his/her own individual
> subscription in order to get a password and ID.  When I called their
> office, I was told explicitly that they do not make passwords and ID's
> available for institutional use and that a password/ID issued to a
> librarian is not to be posted or otherwise shared for multiple-user access.
> I would be very interested in how the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay has
> managed to circumvent this very restrictive policy.

I don't know about other universities but when we got the form letter
signed by Corbin Gwaltney regarding online access for only individual
subscribers, I complained that we were paying for a subscription and
that we had a right to any benefits they gave to other subscribers.
They asked for our subscriber number (8-digits above our name on
address label, set off by "#").  I supplied it and was given a User ID
and password for that address--the address of this library; not me as
an individual.  I guess I was just a "squeaky wheel" and they wanted
me to go away.

 Marla Edelman, Serials Librarian
 Jackson Library - UNC Greensboro
    Greensboro, NC  27412-5201
(910) 334-5996 phone; 334-5399 FAX

Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 08:21:09 -0400
From: JoAnne Deeken <djoanne@CLEMSON.EDU>
Subject: Re: Internet journal access

I did the same.  However, they told us that, while we could provide access
to all our patrons, it had to be from one single machine.  This is one
title that we access only from the Ref Desk because of that restriction.
They were quite explicit in EXCLUDING one single user on a network.  Access
has to be from ONE machine.

JoAnne Deeken
Head, Acquisitions Unit
Clemson University
R.M. Cooper Library
Box 343001
Clemson, SC 29634-3001


Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 08:24:53 -0500
From: Karen Chobot <chobot@PLAINS.NODAK.EDU>
Subject: Re: Internet Journal Access

I, too, have a subscription to the Chronicle and have obtained internet
access for the library only.  When I sent the original e-mail to ask, the
answer clearly had instructions for librarians.  They stated that they
would supply access only to the Reference Librarian and that the password
was not to be general.  I also receive the Daily Report which I look at
and pass on to others on the campus.  The password for the full access I
keep at the Reference Desk and treat it as I would any other resource.

Many of our faculty and staff have their own subscriptions, but many
others do not.  I would hope that the Chronicle sees this as a means of
advertising to encourage other individuals to subscribe.  In the meantime,
I see it is an additional resource that is very useful.

Karen M. Chobot
Reference Librarian
Mildred Johnson Library
North Dakota State College of Science
800 6th St. N.
Wahpeton ND 58076