Re: comments & suggestions please Barbara Rauch 14 Aug 1997 12:19 UTC

Regarding Andrew's question 3 about what to do when he doesn't
receive the issue.

When I have difficulty obtaining a back issue I contact the publisher
for written permission to hold a photocopy. Then obtain the issue
through interloan and copy it adding a sticker to say copied with
publisher's permission.

Q. Is this practice common?

Regarding Andrew's other question about claim periods. We have several
journals which come by sea-mail and therefore our C1 (e.g. a monthly - 30
days after expected date of arrival) actually goes out at 30 days plus
boat travel time (3 months) which equals about 4 months. Usually the
publication crosses in the mail and the claim arrives at the
vendor/publisher too early and also no longer applicable. On the other
hand if we wait until the next issue arrives before we claim then we are
outside the standard claim period of 3 months.

Q.  Does any other serialster have this problem and how do you cope with it?

I am now considering the extra cost to have them come Air-mail or ISAL.

If any publishers are listening in -  Please, please take into account
shipping method when considering claims.

Barbara Rauch, Assistant Librarian-Serials
Library, Auckland Institute of Technology
Private Bag 92006, Auckland, New Zealand
Ph: (09)307 9999 extn.8874 Fx: (09)307 9977