Re: DIGITAL READER PRINTERS (Ann Hill) Marcia Tuttle 11 Aug 1997 18:22 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 12:47:05 -0400
From: ann Hill <jackie@FRONTIER.WILPATERSON.EDU>
Subject: Re: DIGITAL READER PRINTERS (pat Loghry)

We at William Paterson University just purchased 11 of the Canon 400's.
They  were installed just a week ago so I have no long term assessment of
them. The short term assessment of them is that thye are wonderful. They
are easy to use and give excellent prints. They are somewhat slower than
the 3M's we replaced but when the overall time spent with jams and
other problems with the old machines are considered, there is little
difference in printing time. I have informally asked patrons how they like
the new machines, and the answer is invariable "I love them". We chose the
Canon because of the price and the fact that, with software, we can e-mail
copeis made from microform to patrons without making a paper copy. It also
works withe Ariel whic we will be getting in the near future.

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> >Date: Tue, 5 Aug 1997 10:32:00 MDT
> >From: Haskell, Marilyn M. <mhaskell@MSMAILGW.SDSMT.EDU>
> >
> >I have a request of anyone out there who has either a Canon digital
> >microprinter or the Minolta Microdax unit.
> >
> >What was the deciding factor for purchase?
> >What is your opinion of it?
> >Is it available for public access or staff only?
> >And any other comments you may have.
> >
> >We are looking at purchasing one or the other and could use any information
> >you may have on these
> >Thanks.
> >
> >Marilyn Haskell
> >South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
> >