Metadata'97 - IEEE Metadata Conference Charles R Musick Jr 28 Aug 1997 14:39 UTC

SECOND IEEE METADATA CONFERENCE                       September 16-17, 1997
NOAA Auditorium, NOAA Complex                    Silver Spring Metro Center
1301 East-West Highway                              Silver Spring, Maryland

                             Final Program for
                                Metadata '97


                               Sponsored by:
              IEEE Computer Society Mass Storage Systems and
                      Technology Technical Committee,
            National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
                Hughes Information Technology Systems, and
                    National Imagery and Mapping Agency.

 In cooperation with IEEE Computer Society Digital Libraries Task Force.

The objectives of this conference are to (1) provide a forum to address
metadata issues faced by the various communities including mass storage,
data management, image and multimedia processing, and distributed
computing, as well as managers of networked heterogeneous information
servers, (2) bring the different communities together for technical
interchange of ideas on common technologies and standards related to
metadata; (3) hear the various perspectives from the users as well as from
the producers of metadata; and (4) facilitate the development and usage of
metadata. We invite participants from academia, government, and industry
to share ideas and experiences.

The technical program for the conference consists of papers, poster
presentations and panels addressing (among others) the following topics:

                     Metadata for:
                     - Management & modeling
                     - Semantic representation of the WWW
                     - Mass storage and warehousing
                     Metadata mining & extraction
                     Metadata catalogs
                     Systems for managing metadata
                     Application-specific metadata
                     Digital library metadata issues
                     Working systems

The technical program and registration information can be found at:

Tuesday 16 September 1997
 7:30 am -  7:30 pm     Registration

 8:30 am -  9:45 am     Plenary session:

 8:30 am -  8:40 am     Welcome
                        Bob Coyne, IBM
                        METADATA 97 Conference Chair

 8:40 am -  9:00 am     Opening Remarks
                        Greg Withee, Deputy Assistant Administrator of
                        NOAA's Satellite and Information Service

 9:00 am -  9:45 am     Keynote Address "An Architecture for Metadata:
                        The Dublin Core, and why you don't have to like it"
                        Stuart Weibel, Senior Research Scientist,
                        OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.

 9:45 am - 10:00 am     Break

10:00 am - 11:15 am     Paper Session - I: Catalogs & Interoperability
                        Chair: Barbara Bicking,
                               Environmental Systems Research Institute

    New Approaches to Cataloguing, Querying and Browsing
    Geospatial Metadata
    L. Shklar, Pencom Systems, Inc.
    C. Behrens, C. Basu, K. Wittenburg, E. Sigman, Bellcore

    Interoperability Issues of the European Catalogue of
    Data Sources (CDS)
    R. Kramer, R. Nikolai, C. Rolker, Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI)
    S. Bjarnason, European Environment Agency
    S. Jensen, Niedersaechsisches Umweltministerium

    Metadata to Support Information Based Computing Environments
    C. Baru, R. Frost, R. Marciano, R. Moore, A. Rajasekar,
    M. Wan, San Diego Supercomputer Center

11:15 am - 11:30 am    Joint Workshop on Metadata Registries Update

11:30 am -  1:00 pm    Lunch

 1:00 pm -  end        Poster & Demo booths open

 1:00 pm -  3:05 pm    Paper Session - II: Implemented Models & Systems
                       Chair: Dave Johnson,
                              EarthWare Systems (Australia) Pty. Ltd.

    Research Metadata in Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER)
    J. Porter, University of Virginia
    D. Henshaw, USDA Forest Service
    S. Stafford, Oregon State University

    NASA Earth Observing System Data and Information System
    Implementation of Extra- and Inter- File Metadata: Application to
    Data Services
    L. Klein, J. Gales, S.J. Khalsa, D. Wynne, Applied Research Corp.
    D. Ilg, Hughes STX Corp
    B. Fortner, Fortner Research LLC

    Multimedia Metadata - our 70 year experience
    C. Wilkie, A. Lee, British Broadcasting Corporation

    Building A Statistical Metadata Repository
    D. Gillman, M. Appel, S. Highsmith, Bureau of the Census

    Institutions, Languages, Content Standards, Record Syntaxes, and
    Protocols: Fitting It All Together
    R. Bourdeau, C. Burley, K. Sullivan, G. Roseberry,
    Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network

 3:05 pm -  3:20 pm     Break

 3:20 pm -  4:35 pm     Paper Session - III: Modeling Techniques
                        Chair: Matt Morgenstern, Xerox

    Distributed Active Relationships in the Warwick Framework
    C. Lagoze, Cornell University
    R. Daniel Jr., Los Alamos National Laboratory

    Meta-Information Models for Georeferenced Digital Library Collections
    K. Beard, Universiy of Maine
    T. Smith, L. Hill, University of California Santa Barbara

    Meta-Modeling for Hypermedia Design
    P. Frohlich, N. Henze, W. Nejdl, University of Hannover

 4:35 pm -  4:50 pm     Break

 4:50 pm -  5:40 pm     Panel: Metadata or Malfeasance: AIIM to Meet the
                               Critical Factors for Success.
                        Chair: Owen Ambur, US Fish & Wildlife Service
                        T. Dale, CADscan, Inc.
                        D. Entner, Eastman Software
                        B. Kobler, National Aeronautics and Space
                        F. Podio, National Institute of Standards and
                        D. Schneider, Department of Justice

 5:40 pm -  8:00 pm     Reception and Poster Presentations
                        Chairs: Gerry Barton, Dian Gaffen
                                National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

    Development of a 3-Tier Metadata Documentation Scheme: Examining
    Level I as an Internet Access Metadata Input and Search Tool
    K. Kuhlman, A. Soffer, University of Maryland Baltimore County

    Advantages of a Compact Semantic Meta Model
    J. ter Bekke, Delft University of Technology

    A Query And Analysis Tool For Use With Metadata
    M. Tindall, M. Haines, University Of Wyoming

    A Taxonomy for Retrieval of Standards Information on the World
    Wide Web
    J. Newton, E. Fong, T. Rhodes,
    National Institute of Standards and Technology

    The MetaStar Suite of Metadata Tools
    M. St. Pierre, J. Restivo, Blue Angel Technologies, Inc.

    HDF Configuration Records -- A Metadata Description Language for HDF
    A. Cheng, M. Folk, W. Whitehouse,
    National Center for Supercomputing Applications
    P. Harten, Scalable Software, Inc.

    Status of the Revision of the FGDC's Content Standard for Digital
    Geospatial Metadata
    D. Nebert, Federal Geographic Data Committee Clearinghouse

    AIIM: Document and Mass Storage Metadata
    O. Ambur, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
    T. Dale, CADscan, Inc.
    D. Entner, Eastman Software
    B. Kobler, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
    D. Schneider, Department of Justice
    F. Podio, National Institute of Standards and Technology

    Mining Data for Hotline Support to Field Users
    V. Mansur, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

    Metadata-Enhanced Electronic Records
    M. Giguere, City of Philadelphia

    U.S. Geological Survey Metadata Management, Integration, and
    J. Faundeen, K. Zanter, Hughes STX

    Automated Association of Data Source Information With Derived
    B. Ramsay, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

    Spatial Metadata in Australia - a learning experience
    P. Shelley, P. Golding, National Resource Information Centre
    D. Johnson, EarthWare Systems (Australia) Pty Ltd
    M. Taylor, Western Australian Land Information System

Wednesday 17 September 1997
 7:30 am -  12:00 pm   Registration

 8:30 am -  2:00 pm    Poster session continues

 8:30 am -  9:45 am    Plenary session:

 8:30 am -  9:45 am    Keynote Address:  "The Microsoft Repository"
                       Philip A. Bernstein, Repository Architect,
                       Microsoft Corporation

 9:45 am - 10:00 am    Break

10:00 am - 12:05 pm    Paper Session - IV: Data Warehousing & Integration
                       Chair: Len Seligman, The MITRE Corporation

    Toward Unified Metadata for the Department of Defense
    A. Rosenthal, E. Sciore, S. Renner, The MITRE Corporation

    A Metadata Based Approach to Improving Query Responsiveness
    L. Liu, University of Alberta
    C. Pu, Oregon Graduate Institute

    Metadata for Heterogeneous Databases
    M. Morgenstern, Xerox Corporation

    Organizing Metadata Using Datalog Rules
    S. Mazumdar, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

    Models for Metadata or Metamodels for Data?
    B. Kerherve, Universite du Quebec at Montreal
    O. Gerbe, Universite de Montreal

12:05 pm -  1:30 pm    Lunch

 1:30 pm -  2:45 pm    Paper Session - V: New Metadata & Novel Approaches
                       Chair: Nabil Adams, Rutgers

    Metadata for Distributed Visual Database Access
    W. Chang, A. Zhang, State University of New York

    Blackbox Approach to Image Feature Manipulation used by Visual
    Information Retrieval (VIR) Engines
    K. Shah, A. Sheth, S. Mudumbai, University of Georgia

    Handling Constantly Changing Metadata
    A. Gal, University of Toronto

 2:45 pm -  3:00 pm     Break

 3:00 pm -  4:15 pm     Paper Session - VI: Quality & Limitations
                        Chair: Kshitij Shah, University of Georgia

    The Role of Content Analysis in Evaluating Metadata for the
    U.S. Government Information Locator Service (GILS)
    W. Moen, University of North Texas

    Extensible Metadata at Work: A Common Interchange Format for
    Governmental Units
    P. Daisey, Jr., Bureau of the Census

    Metadata: Quality vs. Quantity
    M. Drewry, H. Conover, S. McCoy, S. Graves,
    University of Alabama in Huntsville

 4:15 pm -  4:30 pm     Break

 4:30 pm -  5:20 pm     Panel: GILS and FGDC -- Dual or Dueling Standards
                               for Content and Retrieval?"
                        Chair: Steve Hufford,
                               US Environmental Protection Agency
                        P. Coombs, Washington State Library
                        K. Kuhlman, University of Maryland Baltimore County
                        R. Pearsall, US Geological Survey
                        J. Restivo, Blue Angel Technologies, Inc.

 5:20 pm -  5:30 pm     Closing Remarks


                        METADATA '97  REGISTRATION FORM

    The Second IEEE Metadata Conference            September 16-17, 1997
    NOAA Auditorium, NOAA Complex             Silver Spring Metro Center
    1301 East-West Highway                       Silver Spring, Maryland

    For information about on-line registration via credit card,
    please visit:

    For registration by mail, return this registration form to:

    Metadata'97 Registration
    IEEE Computer Society
    1730 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
    Washington, DC 20036-1992
    Fax: 202-728-0884
    Phone: 202-371-1013 (sorry, no phone registrations)

    (please type or print as it will appear on your badge)

    Name: (Last)___________________(First)_______________(Mid Init)____

    Organization: ______________________________________________________

    Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________

    City: ____________________ State: __________________ Zip: __________

    Country: ___________________________________________________________

    Daytime phone number: ____________________ Fax: ____________________

    Electronic Mail Address: ___________________________________________

    *Guest Name: (Last)_______________________(First)___________________

    * A "guest" is defined as a spouse or other person not
    registered for the meeting who wishes to attend the catered
    reception, and does not include additional organizational

    IEEE/CS or ACM Membership Number (if applicable):__________________

    Do not include my mailing address on:

    __Non-society mailing lists           __Meeting attendee lists

                                          Advance      Late
    Conference Registration Fees          $150.00     $185.00
    Additional Guest                      $ 25.00     $ 25.00

    Advance registration forms and fees must be received by
    9/5/97.  Registrations after 9/5/97 will be accepted
    on-site only.

    Regular conference registration fee includes admission to the
    technical sessions and a catered reception, refreshment
    breaks, and one copy of the conference proceedings.

    Total Enclosed (in US dollars): $_________

    Please make checks payable to IEEE Computer Society.
    All payments must be in US dollars, drawn on US banks.

    Method of Payment
    __Personal Check
    __Company Check
    __Purchase Order (U.S. organizations only - must accompany
      registration form)

    __American Express
    __Diners Club

    Card Number:_________________________________

    Expiration Date:_____________________________

    Cardholder Name:_____________________________


    Written requests for refunds must be received in the
    registration office no later than 12/31/97. Refunds are subject
    to a $50 processing fee. All no-show registrations will be
    billed in full.

The technical program and registration information can be found at:

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:

 Ron Musick                          Christopher Miller
 Program Chair                       Program Vice Chair
 Lawrence Livermore National Lab     NOAA/NESDIS
 P.O. Box 808, L-561                 1315 East-West Highway, Rm 15531
 Livermore, CA 94551                 Silver Spring, MD 20910          
 Phone: 510-424-5015                 Phone: 301-713-1264
 Fax:   510-423-2993                 Fax:   301-713-1249