Identification of special issues (Marcella Lesher)
Marcia Tuttle 06 Aug 1997 13:46 UTC
Received Tuesday, August 5. -Marcia
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 1 Aug 1997 10:48:58 -0600
Subject: Identification of special issues
A professor at my University has asked me if there is an easy way to identify
themed issues in the news magazines such as Time, Newsweek, etc. I haven't
found an easy way but was wondering if anyone else might have some suggestions.
I have found issues devoted to cloning, terrorism, childcare, elections, O.J.
Simpson but haven't found a consistent way to answer her question. We do
not subscribe to Special Issues Index and so I did not know whether that would
be a possible resource to suggest. She wants something from a popular source
such as Time Magazine. She called the publisher and was told they can supply
back issues but couldn't help her in identifying the issue she might want.
Thank you,
Marcella Lesher
Periodicals Librarian
St. Mary's University-San Antonio