---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sat, 19 Jul 1997 19:35:44 -0400 From: Mary Case <marycase@CNI.ORG> To: SEREDIT@LIST.UVM.EDU Subject: Licensing Workshops ARL Announces... Workshops On Licensing Electronic Information Resources The ARL Office of Scholarly Communication is offering two licensing workshops in 1997. The first is to be held in Boston September 18-19 (hosted by the Boston Library Consortium) and another in Chichago November 20-21 (hosted by the CIC). Full details are attached and online registration is available at: http://arl.cni.org/scomm/licensing/lworkshop.html **************************************************************************** License Review And Negotiation Building A Team-Based Institutional Process Purpose and Overview: This two-day workshop will: 1. review the legal foundations of license agreements; 2. engage the participants in a review of license terms and conditions; 3. highlight the importance of and present strategies for developing an institutional process for license review, negotiation, and administration; and 4. provide participants with an opportunity to assess and practice negotiation skills. The first day of the workshop will provide an overview of the legal foundations of license agreements and an in depth look at typical license terms and contract language for electronic information resource agreements. Included will be an introduction to and analysis of contract law, copyright and other intellectual property law relevant to licenses, as well as discussion of the proposed revisions to the Uniform Commercial Code. In addition, participants will examine and discuss definitions of license language including "users", "use", and "access", as well as legal, and business terms. The second day will develop the concept of building a process that includes institutional, library, and, where appropriate, consortial level participants, drawing on their expertise to develop policies and procedures as a team. Participants will then have an opportunity to assess and practice their negotiation skills, followed by a discussion of negotiation strategies. The workshop will conclude with a review of license m anagement activities that are necessary once the agreement is signed. Target Audience: The workshop is open to librarians and other institutional staff engaged in the process of reviewing and negotiating licenses for electronic resources with information providers on behalf of the library, the institution as a whole, or a consortium. Individuals might include those who are responsible for: * reviewing licenses in the library; * recommending, acquiring, or servicing electronic resources; * determining and implementing the technical requirements for electronic resources; * reviewing licenses for electronic library resources in the legal counsel's office; * negotiating and/or signing licenses for electronic resources on behalf of the institution. Institutional teams representing, for example, the library, computing center, and the legal counsel's office, are encouraged. Workshop Leaders: Trisha Davis Head, Continuation Acquisition Division, The Ohio State University Libraries Karen Hersey Intellectual Property Counsel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mary Case Director, Office of Scholarly Communication, Association of Research Libraries Dates and Locations: September 18-19, 1997: Boston Area (hosted by the Boston Library Consortium) November 20-21, 1997: Chicago Area (hosted by CIC) [Note: A third workshop is being plannd for early 1998 in California.] Registration Fees: Attendance is limited to 75 participants. The registration fee includes resource materials, meals, and breaks. Prepayment is required. ARL and Hosting Consortia member libraries: $300 Nonmember libraries: $400 Fax or mail the form below to register for the Boston and Chicago workshops. Information regarding the California workshop will be available later this summer. E-mail Mary Jane Brooks at ARL (maryjane@cni.org) to have information sent to you when it is available. Online Registration available at: http://arl.cni.org/scomm/licensing/lworkshop.html ************************************************************************* Boston Workshop, Sept. 18-19 ARL or BLC member Nonmember Chicago Workshop, Nov. 20-21 ARL or CIC member Nonmember Name Title Institution Address City State Zip Phone Fax Email Visa Mastercard Expiration Amount Enclosed Prepayment is required. Checks should be payable in U.S. funds to the Association of Research Libraries and mailed to: Signature Association of Research Libraries Mary Jane Brooks - Licensing Workshop 21 Dupont Circle, NW Washington, DC 20036 phone: (202) 296-2296 fax: (202) 872-0884 email: maryjane@cni.org -- Mary Case, Director Office of Scholarly Communication Association of Research Libraries 21 Dupont Circle, N.W., Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 296-2296 X112 Fax: (202) 872-0884 Internet: marycase@cni.org