Re: Electronic Serials Institute (Muriel Godbout) Marcia Tuttle 18 Jul 1997 13:48 UTC

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Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 08:18:50 +0500
From: mgodbout@HENRY.WELLS.EDU
Subject: Re: Electronic Serials Institute (Di Neumeister)

I, too, would like to see a conference closer to home.  E ven though I am
in Central New York,  reduced budgets and fewer staff members  do
contribute to the difficulty of going even  to Washington, D.C.

> Or how about a teleconference?  Most librarians should have access to a
> site for a teleconference reasonably (and affordably) close to their own
> libraries.
> Or maybe conferences could be videotaped? Then the host institution could
> make a couple of copies of the tape and loan them to other libraries via
> ILL? Or even sell them at a reasonable price.

I particularly like the idea of a teleconference or videotapes.

Muriel Godbout
Wells College Library
Aurora, NY 13026
Tel: (315) 364-3355
Fax: (315) 364-3412