Re: Online serials indexing services (Dani Lichtenberg) Marcia Tuttle 28 Jul 1997 12:52 UTC

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Date: Fri, 25 Jul 1997 16:36:30 -0400
From: Dani Lichtenberg <p005386b@PB.SEFLIN.ORG>
Subject: Re: Online serials indexing services (Renate C. Dunsmore)

> to offer the  online version soon.  Has anyone had experiences with
> Infotrac's Searchbank,    UMI's Proquest, and EBSCO's EBSCOhost?  Are
> there any unforseen  obstacles to avoid.  So much of what's being offered
> seems "too good to be true."

> Renate Dunsmore
> Onondaga County Public Library

We use Infotrac in Palm Beach County.  We have General Reference Center
Gold, Health Reference Center, and National Newspaper Index. So far (I
have only been here for a couple of months) these are some of the problems
I have encountered:  full text was available for a publication for one
month but not for another;  an article was available on microfilm but no
cartridge number was indicated on the citation; the system DOES go down
occasionally (just brief periods, so far); a citation was incorrect-
didn't lead to the desired article.

On the other hand, the system DOES contain a wealth of information and is
very heavily used.

Dani Lichtenberg
Supervisor, Serials Dept.
Palm Beach County, Central Library