Karger's price list (Carol Feustel) Marcia Tuttle 24 Jul 1997 18:59 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 14:15:00 -0500
From: Carol Feustel <Carol.Feustel@UC.EDU>
Subject: Karger's price list

Dear fellow Serialsters,

Have you received your copy of the Karger price list?  This
publication is wonderful!  There are bullets marking titles which
ceased publication (included final volume published), titles which
are merging with another title, titles which changed publishers, etc.

Many publishers could take lessons from Karger's practices.  Our
binding specialist loves their journals because the title pages and
indices are always in the same location.  Their arrival time is
reliable and claim responses are good.

I will tell a publisher when I think they've messed up, and I'll tell
them when I think they did something great!  Thank you Karger!



Carol Feustel                           email: carol.feustel@UC.EDU
Serials Specialist                      phone: 513-558-0179
Medical Center Libraries                fax:   513-558-1709
University of Cincinnati
PO Box 670574                           Opinions are mine, not my employer
231 Bethesda Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0574