SpringerLINK question (Claire Macha) Marcia Tuttle 23 Jul 1997 12:17 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 1997 11:04:54 -0700 (MST)
From: Claire Macha <cmacha@BIRD.LIBRARY.ARIZONA.EDU>
To: slapam-l@lists.yale.edu
Subject: SpringerLINK question

Good Day!

        The U of Arizona Science/Engineering Library is considering a
trial of the SpringerLINK service for the remainder of this calendar year.
We are interested in comments and impressions of librarians who have been
subscribers already. Some of our questions are:
        1. Have you had any faculty/student feedback about the
availability of full-text of these journals?
        2. Have you kept usage statistics of any kind, and, if so, what
does the response seem to  indicate?
        3. What are your feelings about the proposed price structure that
will begin in January of 1998.
        4. Any other comments

        If there is sufficient response and interest, I will summarize for
the list. Please reply directly to me.

Claire B. Macha
Science-Engineering Librarian
University of Arizona
1510 E. University
Tucson, Arizona 85720-0055
(520) 621-6378  FAX: (520) 621-3655