AACR2 21.2A --Title changes (Elizabeth Fenwick) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 02 Jul 1997 19:12 UTC

Date: Wed, 02 Jul 1997 13:53:27 -0500
From: "Elizabeth A. Fenwick" <C60EAF1@WPO.CSO.NIU.EDU>
Subject: AACR2 21.2A

Hello Serialists,

Just trying to get something straight.  At one point, Library of
Congress rule interpretations for "Changes not to be
considered title changes of serials" included:  (1) singular
forms vs.plural forms of words and (2) names of issuing
bodies added or deleted to the end of the title together with
any linguistic connection, not to be considered title changes.
Now these *are* to be considered title changes.  Right?

Elizabeth A. Fenwick
Cataloging/Automated Records Department (CARD)
Northern Illinois University