SERIALST article (5 year history) on the web Birdie MacLennan 13 Jun 1997 21:29 UTC


Recently, at NASIG, a number of you asked me about what is involved in
being a listowner and what goes into moderating and maintaining a list
like SERIALST.  You can read about these topics, in relation to SERIALST,
in an article that was written last year and recently mounted on
the World Wide Web:

"SERIALST and the Global Serials Community: The Five Year Evolution of an
Electronic Forum", originally published in _Serials Review_ 22, no. 3
(fall 1996): 1-21, chronicles the first five years of SERIALST --
including the concept, the scope, some of the day-to-day chores, the
decision to moderate the list, and the professional and ethical
responsibilities associated with moderating a list of @2400 subscribers in
35 countries.

The web address for the article is:

Perhaps some of you will find it to be interest.  Feel free to have a
look and to send me your comments.  Much of the article is based on a
subscriber survey that was conducted in 1995 ...

        Birdie MacLennan
        SERIALST Listowner/Moderator
        University of Vermont