Dear SERIALSTers, It must be vacation time! A number of you have contacted the moderators over the past several days to obtain information about how to UNSUBSCRIBE from SERIALST or reset your account to NOMAIL, to temporarily stop mail delivery to your account so you will not be deluged (or immediately stressed) when you return from your summer adventures. Just a friendly reminder that most of the basic SERIALST/LISTSERV command options that people ask us about are available 24 hrs. a day, 7 days a week on the SERIALST web page at: If you don't have a web access, you can retrieve the text version of the web page from the SERIALST fileserver by sending a one line e-mail message to: Leave the subject line blank. The body of your message should read: GET SERIALST WELCOME For general information, I am appending the latest version of the SERIALST Scope & Purpose statement, with its selected command options below. This document was revised again this week to reflect more changes since SERIALST's migration from the VM to Unix platform. See below for full information. ciao, Birdie MacLennan SERIALST Listowner/Moderator University of Vermont ---------- Forwarded message ---------- WELCOME TO SERIALST (Please Save this Message) Welcome to SERIALST! Here is some basic information about the forum, including Scope and Purpose, basic LISTSERV commands and how to retrieve information from the archives. This document is also maintained and periodically updated on the World Wide Web at URL: (Revised June 1997) SERIALST SCOPE & PURPOSE - INCLUDING FILESERVER INFORMATION & SELECTED COMMAND OPTIONS [Note: SERIALST moved to a new Unix LISTSERV® environment (with a new address: on May 21, 1997. For additional information, read on, or see the SERIALST web site at: TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1.0. Scope & Purpose - line 31 1.1. Five Year History of SERIALST - line 91 2.0. Disclaimer - line 98 3.0. Fileserver for Time Sensitive Documents & Other Information About SERIALST - line 108 4.0. Selected Command Options - line 152 4.1. Cancelled from SERIALST (or other problems with your subscription)? - line 198 5.0. Retrieving Information From SERIALST's Archives - line 209 5.1. Searching the Archives via E-Mail - line 217 5.2. SERIALST Web Archives - line 248 6.0. Contact Information: Listowner & Moderators - line 259 1.0. SCOPE & PURPOSE SERIALST (Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum) was established in October 1990, with technical support from the Office of Academic Computing at the University of Vermont (UVM), in order to serve as an informal electronic forum for most aspects of serials processing in libraries. Appropriate topics include (but are not limited to): cataloging, acquisitions, collection management, serials budgets and pricing concerns, binding, preservation, microfilm and other non print serials media, union list activities, announcements, news, and job postings that are of interest to the serials community. ** SERIALST is NOT A FORUM FOR THE TRADE OR EXCHANGE OF DUPLICATE, UNWANTED, OR WANTED SERIALS. ** There are several forums for Back Issues and Exchange Services on the Internet (or see: for a listing). SERIALST's subscriber base is currently at @2540 subscribers in 35 countries. Prior to November 25, 1991, SERIALST was an unmoderated forum. On November 25, parameters of the LISTSERV software (which supports SERIALST) were changed to support collaboration between multiple moderators, in different geographic locations. Messages that are sent to SERIALST are reviewed by the moderators, who then forward messages on appropriate topics to subscribers of SERIALST. When sending mail to SERIALST, please keep it to 350 lines or less and break longer messages into multiple, short, "serial" messages. Address messages to: SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU (please do not send mail intended for the list to individual moderators' addresses which inevitably causes confusion and slows our ability to post) Please read messages carefully for appropriate addresses before automatically sending your reply. PLEASE NOTE that when you "reply" directly to a SERIALST message, you are usually (but not always) replying back to the list, and not necessarily to the individual who sent the message. While we make every attempt to screen messages carefully, we cannot take responsibility for forwarding replies intended for individuals to the appropriate person. Please take care in your responses. Make sure that replies not intended for the list are directed to the appropriate address. SERIALST's policy toward cross-posting of messages from other lists is that it's generally fine -- SO LONG AS THE CROSS-POSTED MESSAGE IS FROM THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR of the message. However, we will forward other people's messages ONLY if we have the permission of the original author of the message -- unless the message is obviously very public and intended for cross-posting (as in general library or networking news messages that are important, timely, and relevant to the subscribership). If you want to post someone else's message to SERIALST, please get their permission before you send it to the list. Selected postings from SERIALST, related to serials pricing, may also appear in the electronic publication: Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues. Subscribers to SERIALST will benefit from a more in depth look at serial pricing concerns if they also subscribe to the Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues (to subscribe send a one line message: SUBSCRIBE PRICES <your name>, to:, or contact the editor, Marcia Tuttle at: 1.1. FIVE YEAR HISTORY OF SERIALST For more information about SERIALST, see the article: "SERIALST and the Global Serials Community: The Five Year Evolution of an Electronic Discussion Forum". Originally published in Serials Review 22, no. 3 (fall 1996), and now available on the WWW, this article chronicles the first five years of the SERIALST discussion forum. 2.0. DISCLAIMER *** Disclaimer: The University of Vermont offers SERIALST as a public service. It does not verify the accuracy of submitted messages, nor does it endorse opinions expressed by contributors to the SERIALST forum. Authors of messages to SERIALST are solely responsible for their content. The moderators reserve the right to reject postings that do not fall within the scope and purpose of the list. *** 3.0. FILESERVER for Time Sensitive Documents & Other Information About SERIALST SERIALST also offers a fileserver for time sensitive documents and/or for other information about SERIALST. There are currently three documents (in addition to the the discussion list archives) that are available: 1. The SERIALST Welcome message (a.k.a. the Scope and Purpose Statement) is sent to new subscribers when they sign onto the list. It includes an overview of SERIALST, basic LISTSERV commands and information about retrieving information from the discussion archives. To receive a plain text copy of this file, issue a one line e-mail message to: that reads: GET SERIALST WELCOME An HTML version of this document is available on the World Wide Web at: 2. In September 1995, a Survey of SERIALST's Subscribers was conducted to gather information pertaining to how people use SERIALST. To receive a copy of the original survey form, issue a one line e-mail message to: that reads: GET SERIALST SURVEY To retrieve a copy of the survey summary/compilation, issue a one line e-mail message to: that reads: GET SURVEY SUMMARY 3. You may retrieve a copy of the SERIALST filelist to review the index, or list of files available on the server by issuing an e-mail request to: that reads: INDEX SERIALST [or] GET SERIALST FILELIST (these commands are synonymous and either of them will get the same results) 4.0. SELECTED COMMAND OPTIONS NOTE: Send all commands to: LISTSERV@LIST.UVM.EDU SUBSCRIBE SERIALST <your name> - To join the discussion forum. UNSUBSCRIBE SERIALST - To unsubscribe from (or signoff of) the discussion forum. SIGNOFF SERIALST does the same thing (N.B.: Do not add your name or e-mail address to the UNSUBSCRIBE or SIGNOFF command -- if you do, your request will be rejected by the LISTSERV software). * SET <mail distribution option> Commands: SET SERIALST MAIL - to receive individual mail messages as they are posted to the list (default setting). SET SERIALST NOMAIL - to stop list mail from being delivered to your address; to resume mail, issue the SET SERIALST MAIL command. SET SERIALST DIGEST - to receive daily digests of all messages posted to the list (1750 line limit). SET SERIALST INDEX - to receive daily index summaries of mail posted to the list. * NOTE about SET Options: You can only SET one mail distribution option at a time. You have to choose one option that best suits your needs at a given time. QUERY SERIALST - Displays your mail distribution option settings (i.e., whether or not you are set to "digest", or "nomail", et al.); will also tell you whether or not you are signed onto the list. REVIEW SERIALST - To retrieve a list of subscribers to SERIALST (name and e-mail address), arranged alpha by @ (i.e., e-mail address). REVIEW SERIALST BY NAME - To retrieve a list of subscribers to SERIALST, arranged by last name. INFO REFCARD - To retrieve a more complete listing of General User Commands (i.e., the LISTSERV Reference Card) for LISTSERV 1.8c. ** The above commands can be sent by: sending the command as a one line message to: LISTSERV@LIST.UVM.EDU Please don't send LISTSERV commands to the SERIALST address. The LISTSERV address is for issuing COMMANDS, while the SERIALST address is for messages intended for the distribution to the subscribership. 4.1. CANCELLED FROM SERIALST (or other problems with your subscription) ? You may be cancelled from SERIALST without notification if certain network complications arise. If you fail to receive SERIALST messages for an inordinate amount of time, use the QUERY or REVIEW command (as described in the preceding list of commands) to find out if your name is present on the distribution list. If you are experiencing problems with your subscription and need human intervention, send an e-mail message to SERIALST-REQUEST@LIST.UVM.EDU 5.0. RETRIEVING INFORMATION FROM SERIALST's ARCHIVES All messages to SERIALST are automatically archived by month. You may retrieve the monthly archives by issuing the command: GET SERIALST LOGyymm (ex., get serialst log9606) to: LISTSERV@LIST.UVM.EDU. The server will automatically send the monthly archive that is specified (since Oct. 1990). 5.1. SEARCHING THE ARCHIVES via E-MAIL It is possible to search the entire SERIALST message database via the web or by submitting an e-mail message/search request to LISTSERV@LIST.UVM.EDU You may cut and paste the following search line into an e-mail message (overlay the "<add keyword search terms here>" text with keywords that are appropriate to your search). Send the template/e-mail message to: LISTSERV@LIST.UVM.EDU. Leave the subject line blank. The search syntax is: Search <add keyword search terms here*> in SERIALST since <date=yy/mm/dd**> * where keywords = your search term(s). You may use Boolean logic. ** you may, optionally, specify a date limitation, rather than searching the entire database. for example: --------------------clip here--------------------- search worst and 'title change' in serialst since 97/03/10 --------------------clip here---------------------- You may also search by BOOLEAN queries and/or search limitations by date. To obtain more information about search commands, send a HELP message to: LISTSERV@LIST.UVM.EDU 5.2. SERIALST WEB ARCHIVES * The entire SERIALST archives (since Oct. 1990) are now available through the web. The SERIALST archives are automatically updated whenever a message is posted to the list. The easiest way to access the archives is to go to the web site at: You can search the SERIALST archives and/or explore Searching list archives help pages to obtain search tips for using the archive database. 6.0. CONTACT INFORMATION: LISTOWNER AND MODERATORS For additional information about SERIALST contact: Birdie MacLennan Ann Ercelawn Listowner & Moderator Marcia Tuttle Associate Moderator University of Vermont Associate Moderator Vanderbilt University Univ. of North Carolina, or: Chapel Hill or: