Re: Migration of Serials Data (Colleen Cleary) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 13 Jun 1997 14:40 UTC

Date: Fri, 13 Jun 1997 17:41:29 +1000
From: "Colleen Cleary, QUT Library Serials Manager" <c.cleary@QUT.EDU.AU>
Subject: Re: Migration of serials data

To: Serialst readers,

In response to Peter Wellburn's query, I will definitely copy an edited
version of replies received to the list, based on permission received from
each individual.  I have received two very helpful replies so far which I
will forward soon.

Peter said:

>Greetings fellow serials librarians!
>  Colleen Cleary asked a number of questions which are currently of concern
>to my colleagues in the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh. I'm sure
>there must be a number of libraries like ourselves who are contemplating
>moving to a new system. Could replies be directed to the list or could Colleen
>provide a summary for us please? Many thanks.
>Peter Wellburn                            e-mail
>Head of Periodicals                       tel: (0131) 226-4531 ext.3729
>National Library of Scotland
>George IV Bridge
>Edinburgh Scotland EH1 1EW
Colleen Cleary
Serials Manager
Queensland University of Technology Library
Kelvin Grove Campus
Victoria Park Road
Kelvin Grove
Qld 4059 Australia

ph. 61 7 38645577
fax. 61 7 38645539