Re: DRA Serials Module Questions (June Breland) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 09 Jun 1997 13:27 UTC

Date: Sun, 8 Jun 1997 17:20:26 CST6CDT
From: June Breland <jbreland@LIBRARY.MSSTATE.EDU>
Subject: Re: DRA Serials Module Questions (Kira Haimovsky)

> Many of these serials are reference type material, when latest vol/ed kept
in Reference Dept. and earlier vols/eds in stacks. What location code
do you assign in these cases?

We have a similar situation where the latest edition or volume is in
Ready Reference and the rest are in the Reference stacks.  In those
cases, we use the location code for the Reference stacks but put a
public note into the copy record that says "Latest edition kept at
Ready Reference."  This eliminates the need to change location codes
as the editions move from place to place.

> In case of simple periodicals, when the latest issues are kept in Periodicals
> reading Room and bound volumes go to the stacks, do you use 010106 in any
> combination with other codes?

We keep our most recent issues in a Current Journals room, and then
move them to another floor when they are bound.  We use the location
code for their bound location but put a qualifier in the pattern
defined summary holdings records.  None of the qualifiers fit our
situation perfectly but we choose whatever is most appropriate for
the title.  "Latest one year in Current Journals" is our most
frequently used qualifier.

> do you use free text summary holdings for bound vols.?

No, we don't.

June Breland                Internet:
Coordinator, Acquisition Services              phone: 601-325-7672
Mitchell Memorial Library                        fax: 601-325-3560
P.O. Box 9570
Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, MS 39762