Date: Fri, 06 Jun 1997 12:34:42 -0400 (EDT)
From: Amira Aaron <aaron@READMORE.COM>
Subject: ALA Discussion Group Request
We are writing as co-chairs of the ALCTS AS Acquisitions
Librarians/Vendors of Library Materials Discussion Group to request your
participation at our upcoming meeting in San Francisco. The topic of our
meeting will be:
VIRTUAL AQUISITIONS: BLESSING OR BURDEN - Acquiring library materials in
electronic formats. Part II: Solutions.
Libraries, vendors and publishers are facing major changes and additional
responsibilities and challenges with the advent of electronic publishing.
At our meeting in February, many issues on this topic were raised by
the speakers and by the audience. In San Francisco, we will have
speakers from OCLC and Tufts University presenting a survey of various
solutions available to deal with some of the issues we raised at ALA
Midwinter. Some of these issues include: selection, training, payment,
licensing, archiving, maintenance, security, management, etc.
As before, we are also asking for your ideas on this topic. If you have
implemented a particularly successful solution to one or more issues
surrounding the acquisitions of electronic materials and would be willing
to briefly share this with the group (5 mintues), we'd like to hear from
you! Simply e-mail or call us at the contact information below with your
name, title, organization, phone, e-mail and a brief description of your
solution, so that we can schedule you as part of our program. This way,
we can all learn from each other. As time permits, we will also continue
our small group discussions.
Our meeting will be held on Sunday morning, June 29th, from 8:30-10:30
a.m. at the Crowne Plaza Parc Fifty-five - Barcelona I.
Also, if you would be interested in co-chairing this group next year
(either as a librarian or a vendor), please let us know!
Thanks for your help - Amira and Dan
Amira Aaron
Coordinator, Library Automation and Product Development
Readmore/Blackwell's Information Services
235 Concord Avenue, Lexington, MA 02173
617-860-7224; fax: 617-862-5250;
voice-mail: 1-800-221-3306 x378
Dan Gottlieb
Head, Acquisitions & Accounting Department
Langsam Library
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0033
513-556-1464; fax: 513-556-2161