Electronic Serials Institute -- Fall 1997 (Pamela Bluh) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 03 Jun 1997 14:16 UTC

Date: Tue, 03 Jun 1997 08:40:14 -0400
From: Pamela Bluh <pbluh@UMABNET.AB.UMD.EDU>
Subject: Institute announcement - for fall 1997

A Capital Idea: Electronic Serials from Acquisition to Access
September 26-27, 1997
Sheraton City Centre
Washington, DC

Presented by the Serials Section of
The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services
a division of the American Library Association
Cosponsored by PALINET and The CAPCON Library Network

This one and a half-day institute serves as a basic course on electronic
serials and includes an introductory plenary session, a panel discussion, and
focused breakout sessions intended to help participants come to grips with
this rapidly changing format.

The institute is designed for librarians from all types and sizes of
libraries with an interest in electronic serials and a desire to learn
how to balance the practical concerns of implementation with the blue-sky
on the horizon. Specialized small group discussions will focus on
acquisitions/collection development, cataloging/standards, and


Mary Beth Clack, Serial Records Team Leader, Staff Development Officer,
Harvard College Library

Denise M. Davis, Reference Collection Specialist, Howard County (MD)

Laura Farwell, Research Librarian, Widener Library, Harvard University

Erik Jul, Manager, Market Analysis & Special Projects, OCLC

Ronald L. Larsen, Assistant Director, Information Technology Office,
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

James Neal, Director, Eisenhower Library, Johns Hopkins University

Pamela Simpson, Serials & Electronic Resources Cataloging Librarian,
Pennsylvania State University

Dan Tonkery, President & Chief Operating Officer, Subscription Group,
Dawson Information Services Group

Beth Weston, Serials Librarian, Gelman Library, George Washington

Institute Site and Housing

The Sheraton City Centre is conveniently located at 1143 New Hampshire
Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. A block of rooms has been reserved at the hotel
until August 29, 1997. Call the hotel at 202-775-0800 or 800-526-7495 and
mention the ALCTS Electronic Serials institute to receive the conference
rate of $145 single or double.

Air Travel

United Airlines is the official airline of the American Library
Association. If you or your travel agent books your reservations through
United, you will receive an additional 5% discount off any published airfare
from First Class to the lowest applicable discount, or a 10% discount off mid-week
coach fares. Discounts also apply on Shuttle by United and United Express.  Call
United's Specialized Meeting Reservation Center at 800-521-4041 to obtain the best
fares and schedule information.  Make sure you refer to Meeting ID Number
512SV.  You may also have ALA's travel agent, Travel Technology Group, make
the reservation for you by calling 800-999-0925; ask for the ALA desk.

Fees and Registration

Registration fees are $195 for ALCTS personal members, PALINET and
CAPCON members, $245 for ALA personal members, and $295 for non-ALA
members. Registrations will be accepted in order of receipt for up to the
maximum of 100 people, and must be received, faxed, or telephoned by
September 11, 1997.  Attention PALINET members only: To take advantage of
the special $195 rate, you must register directly with PALINET and charge
the fee to your PALINET account.  See the registration form for instructions.
CAPCON members must register directly with ALCTS and will not use their
deposit account.  Cancellations will be accepted only until September 11,
1997 (Subject to a $25 processing fee).  Refunds will be processed after
October 1, 1997.  ALCTS reserves the right to cancel the institute if
there is insufficient registration or for other reasons.  Neither ALA nor
any of its divisions is responsible for cancellation charges assessed by
airlines or travel agencies, or other losses incurred due to cancellation
of the institute.

Tentative Program Outline

Friday, September 26

12:15-1:00  Registration

1-1:15     Expectations and Revelations: Welcome and Introductions --
                    Pamela Bluh and Cindy Hepfer

1:15-2:30   Saddle Points in Serials: The Future is not Straight Ahead --
                    Ronald L. Larsen

2:30-3      Break

3-4:30      Concurrent Breakout Session I
              The Acquisition of Electronic Serials: Is it Business as
                Usual and are We Getting Our Money's Worth? -- Beth Weston
                   and Denise Davis

              Access to Digital Resources: Theory and Application for
                Next-Generation Catalogers -- Pamela Simpson and Erik Jul

              Human Capital: Helping Staff and Users Make the Transition
                to the Electronic Journal Environment -- Mary Beth Clack and
                   Laura Farwell

4:30-6:30   Institute reception

Saturday, September 27

8:30-noon   Registration (continental breakfast 8:30-9:15)

9:15-10:15  The Shortest Distance between Two Serials is not a Straight
               Line: Managing the Administrative and Technical
               Components of Electronic Serials -- panel discussion with Dan
                  Tonkery and Denise Davis

10:15-10:40 Break

10:40-12:10 Concurrent Breakout Session II

12:10-1:20  Lunch (hosted)

1:20-2:50   Concurrent Breakout Session III

2:50-3:15   Break

3:15-3:45   And as a result...  institute highlights and reflections --
                     James Neal

Corporate Support

ALCTS gratefully acknowledges these companies for underwriting a portion
of the institute (partial list):

CARL Corporation
EBSCO Subscription Services, Red Bank, N.J.
Elsevier Science
The Faxon Company
Readmore, Inc.
Swets & Zeitlinger, Inc.
UnCover Company

Registration Form  (4462)

Association for Library Collections & Technical Services
A Capital Idea: Electronic Serials from Acquisition to Access
September 26-27, 1997
Sheraton City Centre
Washington, D.C.

This brochure and registration form are also available on the ALCTS gopher
at gopher://gopher.ala.org or http://www.ala.org/alcts.html.

__ Add ALCTS to my ALA membership (ALA membership number
______________)  $45
__ First-time membership in ALA ($48) and ALCTS ($45)           $93
__ Regular renewing membership in ALA ($95) and ALCTS ($45)    $140
(For other ALA member categories, contact Shonda Russell at

Mail:   Complete this page and mail it with payment to: Capital Idea
          Institute, ALCTS/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611.
Fax:    Complete this page and fax with payment information to
Phone:  Call Yvonne McLean at 800-545-2433, extension 5032.
E-Mail: Send registration information to Yvonne McLean at ymclean@ala.org
         (credit card or purchase order only).

Check, money order, purchase order, or credit card charge must accompany
registration to reserve space at the institute.

PALINET members: To take advantage of the special $195 rate, you must
register directly with PALINET and charge the fee to your PALINET account.
Mail registration form to ALCTS Institute, PALINET, 3401 Market St., Suite
262, Philadelphia, PA 19104; fax to 215-382-0022; or email to

CAPCON members: Use the form below. You may not use your deposit

Please reserve my space for the Capital Idea institute.

__   Check or Money Order (payable to American Library Association)
__  Purchase Order
__   VISA      __  Master Card       __  American Express

Card number ______________________________________________

Signature (Signature required for all

__    ALCTS Personal Member/PALINET/CAPCON  $195
__    ALA Personal Member                   $245
__    Non-ALA Member                        $295
(Staff of ALA/ALCTS organizational members are not considered personal

Name (as it should appear on badge; please print)


Organization name (as it should appear on badge)

Organization address

City                              State              Zip

Preferred mailing address

City                              State              Zip

(   )___________________          (   )___________________
Telephone  (office)                      (home)

E-mail address (please print)

ALA membership number

I would like a vegetarian or low-calorie lunch (indicate)

I will require ADA accommodation (describe)