New CONSER Documents Online (William C. Anderson) Marcia Tuttle 25 Jun 1997 15:48 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 11:36:10 -0400
From: William C. Anderson <wand@LOC.GOV>
Subject: New CONSER Documents Online

The CONSER Program would like to announce two new additions to
its Web site.  Issue no. 10 of _CONSERline_ is now available on
the Web and includes the following topics:

     * CONSER welcomes Columbia University and the University of
       North Carolina at Chapel Hill
     * PCC/CONSER Consolidation Update
     * CONSER Operations Committee Meets at the University of
     * CONSER Members Participate in NASIG Programs
     * CONSER People
     * ISSN Directors Meet in Budapest
     * NACO Celebrates 20th Anniversary at ALA

This issue of _CONSERline_ can be found at:

For other issues of _CONSERline_, visit its home page:

The other new CONSER document that is now available online is the
_Summary of the 1997 CONSER Operations Committee Meeting_.  The
Operations Cmte meeting was held last month at the University of
Michigan, in conjunction with the annual NASIG Conference.  The
meeting summary is available through CONSER's home page
( or directly at the following

Hope you find these to be useful additions to the CONSER Web