Re: Journals about medicine and the Internet (Tom Girke) Marcia Tuttle 25 Jun 1997 12:16 UTC

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Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 08:22:33 +0000
From: Tom Girke <Tom.Girke@LIB.MONASH.EDU.AU>
Subject: Re: Journals about medicine and the Internet (Monica Marra)


We subscribe to a publication titled "Medicine on the Net".  Each
month it reviews a range of sites on the subject of clinical
medicine.  You can find out more about this publication at:

Tom Girke
Serials Coordinator
Biomedical Library, Monash University.

> I work in a university medical library in Italy and I'm looking for a good
> journal about medicine and the internet. For the moment I've seen Health
> Care on the Internet, published by The Haworth Press - not bad, but
> something less introductive and more specialistic would be what we really
> need. We also would like to know if you think that this kind of journals are
> the best way to keep up to date, or if the net itself is a better system.
> Thank you everybody
>                         Monica Marra
>                         (assistent librarian)
> Biblioteca Centralizzata Facolta' di Medicina e Chirurgia
> Sez. Clinica
> Via del Pozzo, 71
> 41100 Modena
> Italy
> Tel. 059 422204/422849 - Fax 059 375119
> e-mail: