ALA Meeting Announcement (Andrea Vanek) Marcia Tuttle 23 Jun 1997 21:01 UTC

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Date: Mon, 23 Jun 1997 13:34:12 -0700
From: Andrea Vanek <avanek@LIBRARY.BERKELEY.EDU>
Subject: ALA Meeting Announcement

Newspaper Users Discussion Group Meeting
Saturday, June 28, 2:00-4:00, Holiday Inn Union Square - Sutter

Topics: Update on newspaper genre headings, CONSER Cataloging Manual
Module 33: Newspapers, ILL newspaper requests, indexes to local newspapers,
newspapers in genealogical research, electronic newspapers, and any other
topics the group would like to discuss.

Speaker: A staff member of The Center for Research Libraries will present
a summary of the Symposium on Access to and Preservation of Global
Newspapers, which was held at the Library of Congress, May 27-28, and
will discuss the action plan that is a result of that meeting.

A new vice-chair/chair-elect will be elected for 1997-1998. Please
submit your name to Andrea Vanek if interested; nominations and
self-nominations will also be accepted at the meeting.

Andrea Vanek
Newspaper Users Discussion Group Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect