Michael Weber 02 Jun 1997 14:44 UTC
For larger libraries that do a large volume of Dup Ex. Your plan sounds
However we are small library and probably send out many more duplicates
that we receive. We appreciate the reimbursement on a
piece by piece basis.
A Ten dollar limit seems to much too high for us.
Dear Backservers:
I am wondering if any of the rest of you are a little bit tired of
dealing with reimbursement in stamps for back issues. Personally, I do
not use the stamps I receive for postage at all - I use them to send to
others to reimburse for issues I have received. I have often gotten to
the point where I do not have any stamps left to reimburse others with,
and have to buy more. I think this process would be a lot easier if we
stopped asking each other for reimbursement except in cases where
postage exceeds an arbitrary amount of say $10.00. This number is
certainly open for discussion. I realize many of you do not ask for
reimbursement if postage is under $3.00, but it would be nice to find a
standard we ALL use.
I hope no-one thinks I sound like sour grapes. I am very, very
appreciative of BACKSERV. I just think it could be made easier and more
efficient by coming up with a standard for reimbursement. Thanks for
listening, and please respond if you have any comments. Thanks!
Ingrid G. Moss
Serials Librarian
Peace College
Michael A. Weber
Asst. Dir. for Library Tech Serv.
400 St. Bernardine Street
Reading, PA 19607
(610) 796-8352
(610) 796-8347 (Fax)