Important SERIALST Changes: Listserv migration done Birdie MacLennan 21 May 1997 16:46 UTC


I am pleased to announce that the SERIALST migration from the IBM/VM
mainframe ( to Unix ( was successfully
completed last night.

This transition should be transparent to you, the subscribers.  There is
nothing that you need to do -- though you do need to be aware that
SERIALST has had an address change.  You may begin sending SERIALST
messages to:


Likewise, you may send commands for interacting with the listserver (to
subscribe, unsubscribe, change mail distribution settings, set your mail
options to DIGEST, INDEX, NOMAIL, etc.) to:


The former address will continue to work for the next month
or so, in forwarding your messages and listserv commands to the new
address.  However, the University of Vermont will be disengaging from
BITNET in June, so eventually the will no longer work.

Other notes about the change:

* The CMS interactive TELL command no longer works.  Instead, you have to
send all commands by email message to the server (this relates primarily to
BITNET users)

* There are some new added security features -- most notably, you will
start to see confirmation requests from the server, before your requests
are completed -- e.g., Unsubscribing will require a confirmation message
before their address is dropped (the server will tell you how to issue the
'ok' command so your request is confirmed)

* The entire SERIALST archives (since Oct. 1990) have been converted to
Unix and are now available through the web, AND through e-mail commands
that are issued to the address:  The SERIALST
archives are automatically updated whenever a message is posted to the
list.  The easiest way to access the archives is to go to the web site at:


You may also search by e-mail message by sending a search query, via
e-mail message to LISTSERV@LIST.UVM.EDU.EDU,  e.g.,

        search <keywords*> in serialst since <date=yy/mm/dd **>

*  where keywords = your search term(s).  You may use Boolean logic.
** you may, optionally, specify a date limitation, rather than searching
   the entire database.

for example:
        search worst and 'title change' in serialst since 97/03/10

I am in the processing of updating the SERIALST Scope & Purpose Statement
via the SERIALST web pages and welcome message (i.e., general FAQ info.
and documentation which is sent out to new subscribers) with new
information regarding the changes.  I hope to complete this before the
end of the week and will post to SERIALST when done.

Please bear with us as we adapt to the software changes and variations in
list management functions.  Some of your requests and/or inquiries may
take longer to process until we get used to some of the new software

Many thanks to CIT, the University of Vermont's Division of Computing &
Information Technology, for their ongoing collaboration and support in
working with the UVM Libraries to host SERIALST.

 Special thanks to John Ryder, List Manager at the University of Vermont,
for his timely responses to our questions and concerns and for the smooth

        Birdie MacLennan
        SERIALST Listowner & Moderator
        University of Vermont     

cc:  Ann Ercelawn, Vanderbilt University, Associate SERIALST Moderator
     Marcia Tuttle, UNC - Chapel Hill, Associate SERIALST Moderator