They come in quietly through the mailroom, blending in with all the other
pieces of mail. You don't know they're coming, but they're coming for
you, with the two words that put a tremor in the stoutest heart: TITLE
CHANGE! And this is no ordinary title change. This is the kind of title
change that you heard stories about as a child sitting around the campfire
at midnight, stories that left you lying awake at night, afraid to look at
your bookshelf, and this time, your mother isn't there to make it go away.
It's big, it's bad, it's ugly, and you have to catalog it.
If this rings a bell and sends a familiar chill down your spine, then
ALCTS wants to talk to you. As part of the upcoming 40th anniversary
celebration, we are looking for nominations for the Worst Serial Title
Change of the CENTURY.
The Worst Serial Title Change of the CENTURY Committee will be presenting
several awards:
The Worst of the Worst: Selected from previous winners of the
annual award, these are the ones you don't talk about around small
The Worst of the Snake in the Grass: No place is safe from the
enemy within - title changes done within the library community by
those who should have known better
The Worst of the Overlooked: A special award for title changes
that have not been previously honored but have, nonetheless, been
fermenting in your catalogs, waiting until they are ripe, like a
good limburger cheese, the title changes so horrible that no one
dared to send them in, until now
It is up to you, oh ye strong of spine, to turn the page on these
creatures and expose them to the light. Time is running out, though. You
dedicated keepers of the bibliographic flame only have until JUNE 1, 1997,
to send in your nominations before they get to slink safely back to the
dark, waiting to spring again with their pernicious publishing practices.
Innocent catalogers are at stake, so send those nominations in now!
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I nominate the following publication for the award:
Current title:
Former title:
Other related information:
(Please include a photocopy of the title pages and/or other relevant
pages, and a printout of the bibliographic records, if possible)
Send nominations by JUNE 1, 1997 to Frank Sadowski, Worst Serials Title
of the CENTURY Committee, Rush Rhees Library, University of Rochester,
Rochester, NY 14627-0005 or Fax: 716-273-1032
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