CALL FOR PARTICIPATION RIAO'97 CONFERENCE Computer-Assisted Searching on the Internet June 25-27, 1997 McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada [note: RIAO in CAPS] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Brief Description : --------------------- Every third year, the "CENTRE DE HAUTES ETUDES INTERNATIONALES d'INFORMATIQUE DOCUMENTAIRE" (CID) Paris, France, along with various international affiliates, organizes a conference called RIAO (Computer-Assisted Information Retrieval / Recherche d'Information Assistee par Ordinateur) "RIAO 97" will be the fifth conference in the series. RIAO'85 was held in Grenoble, France; RIAO'88 in Cambridge, MA, USA (MIT); RIAO'91 in Barcelona, Spain; and RIAO'94 in New York City (Rockefeller University). The preparation of RIAO 97 started many months ago and the Conference will take place on June 25-27, 1997, at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. RIAO conferences, all of which have had printed proceedings, have the special feature of incorporating both scientific papers and innovative product demonstrations. Both the product demonstrations and the scientific papers (which are often accompanied by prototype system demonstrations) are subject to a rigorous selection process. While commercial displays, as such, are not promulgated, the mix of scientific expertise and state-of-the-art industrial development lends itself to a critical examination of both with the potential for advances in product development and sponsorship as well as the initiation of lines for further, critical research investigations. RIAO is prepared by a Scientific Committee and an Application Committee. Calls for papers and calls for innovative products are sent worldwide. A third committee, the Organization Committee is in charge of general coordination. The next conference, RIAO 97 will be focused on the new problems resulting from the network development. This development impinges on all domains of information retrieval and data diffusion, and amplifies the problem of information filtering. Sponsors --------- - Communaute Europeenne, Bruxelles, Belgique - Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres, Paris, France - Ministere de l'Industrie, des Postes et des Telecommunications, Paris, France - France Telecom - Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Montreal (CRIM), Canada - Ministere de l'Industrie du Commerce de la Science et de la Technologie du Quebec ------------------------------------------ FINAL PROGRAM AND SCHEDULE GENERAL SESSION June 25, 1997 ------------------------------------------ 9:00-9:15 a.m WELCOMING STATEMENT Dr B. Robaire Vice Principal, Research McGill University, Canada 9:15-9:30 a.m RIAO97' Introduction J. Thuiller Professor at the College de France President of the C.I.D. 9:30-10:00 a.m Invited Speaker GILS Projet N. Brodie National Library of Canada, Ottawa, Canada --------------------------------- SESSION 1: INFORMATION DISCOVERY --------------------------------- Chairman: L. Devroye, McGill University 10:00-10:25 a.m "The Do-I-Care Agent: Effective Social Discovery and Filtering on the Web" M.S. Ackerman, B. Starr, M. Pazzani University of California, USA 10:25-10:50 a.m "Mining Information In Order To Extract Hidden And Strategical Information" T.Dkaki, B. Dousset, J. Mothe Universite P. Sabatier, Toulouse, France 10:50-11:20 a.m Break and Demonstrations ---------------------------------------------------------- SESSION 2: VISUALISATION TOOLS FOR INFORMATION NAVIGATION ---------------------------------------------------------- Chairman: S. Tohme, ENST France 11:20-11:45 a.m "Design Issues for World Wide Web Navigation Visualisation Tools" A. Cockburn, S. Jones University of Canterbury, University of Waikato, New Zealand 11:45-12:10 a.m "Footprints: History-Rich Web Browsing" A. Wexelblat, P. Maes Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA 12:10-12:35 p.m "Using terminological base for Term-based information retrieval" J-Y Nie, Universite de Montreal, Canada 12:35-2:05 p.m LUNCH ------------------------------------------------ SESSION 3: AUTOMATIC ABSTRACTING, REPOSITORIES ------------------------------------------------ Chairman: G. Grefenstette, Rank Xerox Research Centre 2:05-2:30 p.m "Development of a Document Summarization System for Effective Information Services" D. H. Jang, S. H. Myaeng Chungnam National University, Taejon, Korea 2:30-2:55 p.m "Automatic summarization on the Web? RAFI: A system for summarizing using indicating fragments" A. Lehmam, Universite de Nancy II, France 2:55-3:20 p.m "Towards Sophisticated Wrapping of Web-based Information Repositories" B. Chidlovskii, U. M. Borghoff, P.Y. Chevalier Rank Xerox Research Centre, France 3:20-3:45 p.m "Annotating the World Wide Web using Natural Language" B. Katz, Massachussetts Institute of Technology, USA 3:45-4:15 p.m Break and Demonstrations --------------------------------------------------------- SESSION 4: LINGUISTIC APPROACH FOR INFORMATION RETRIEVAL --------------------------------------------------------- Chairman: R. Cencioni, European Community 4:15-4:40 p.m "IRENA: Information Retrieval Engine based on Natural Language Analysis" A.T. Arampatzis ,T. Tsoris, C.H.A. Koster. Patras, Greece and Netherlands 4:40-5:05 p.m "The Effect of Syntactic Phrase Indexing on Retrieval Performance for Dutch Texts" R. Pohlmann , W. Kraaij University of Twente, Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), Netherlands. 5:05-5:30 p.m "Using Simulated Annealing to Understand Natural Language Texts" S.A. Laribi, G. Desrocques, A. Laribi, J.C. Bassano Universite d'Orleans, France. Geneva Univeristy, Switzerland 5:30-5:55 p.m "An Analysis of Statistical and Syntactic Phrases" M. Mitra, C. Buckley, A. Singhal, C. Cardie Cornell University, USA ----------------------------------- June 26, 1997 SESSION 5: MULTILINGUAL APPROACH ---------------------------------- Chairman: C. Fluhr, Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique. France 9:00-9:25 a.m "Multi-Language Text Indexing for Internet Retrieval" M.Wechsler, P. Sheridan, P. Schauble Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland 9:25-9:50 a.m "Adaptative Filtering of Multilingual Document Streams" D.W. Oard, University of Maryland, USA 9:50-10:15 a.m "A domain Specific Lexicon Acquisition Tool for Cross-Language Information Retrieval" D. Hiemstra, F. de Jong, W. Kraaij CTIT, Twente University, Netherlands 10:15-10:45 a.m Break and Demonstrations ---------------------------- SESSION 6: IRS ARCHITECTURE ---------------------------- Chairman: R. Marcus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) 10:45-11:10 a.m "EAGLE: An Extensible Architecture for General Linguistic Engineering" B. Baldwin , C. Doran, J.C. Reynar 11:10-11:35 a.m "Information Retrieval On The Word Wide Web using a Decision Making System" F. Corvaisier, A. Mille, J.M. Pinon, INSA, Lyon, France 11:35-12:00 a.m "A Multiagent Architecture for Information Retrieval on the World-Wide Web" V.N. Gudivada, S.P. Tolety Wayne State University, University of Missouri. USA 12:00-1:30 p.m LUNCH --------------------------------- SESSION 7: INFORMATION EXTRACTION --------------------------------- Chairman: C. Jacquemin, Universite de Nantes. France 1:30-2:45 p.m Panel TREC in Many Languages * TREC-5: English D. Harman National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA * TREC-5: Spanish and Chinese A. Smeaton Dublin City University, Ireland *The Amaryllis Project C. Fluhr Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA), France 2:45-3:10 p.m "Integrated text categorisation and information extraction using pattern matching and linguistic processing" W. J. Black, L. Gilardoni, F. Rinaldi, R Dressel UMIST, UK. Quinary Spa, Italy 3:10-3:35 p.m "On-Line Resource Discovery using Natural Language" O.R. Zaiane , A. Fall, S. Rochefort, V. Dahl, P. Tarau Simon Fraser University, Canada 3:35-4:00 p.m "Coupling information retrieval and information extraction: A new text technology for gathering information from the web" R. Gaizauskas, A.M. Robertson University of Sheffield, UK 4:00-4:30 p.m Break and Demonstrations ---------------------------------------- SESSION 8: DOCUMENT / RELEVANCE RANKING ---------------------------------------- Chairman: D.J. Harman, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA. 4:30-4:55 p.m "Summarizing Similarities and differences Among Related Documents" I. Mani , E. Bloedorn The MITRE Corporation, USA 4:55-5:20 p.m "Relevance Ranking for One to Three Term Queries" C.L.A. Clarke , G.V. Cormack, E.A. Tudhope University of Toronto. Canada 5:20-5:45 p.m "Space Optimizations for Total Ranking" D.R. Cutting, J.O. Pedersen Excite Inc., USA 5:45-6:10 p.m "A Similarity-Based Agent for Internet Searching" T.G. Rose, P. J. Wyard, Canon, UK ------------------------------- June 27, 1997 SESSION 9: IRS ARCHITECTURE- II ------------------------------- Chairman: U. Heid, Stuttgart University, Germany 9:00-9:25 a.m "ARACHNID: Adaptive Retrieval Agents Choosing Heuristic Neighborhoods for Information Discovery" F. Menczer , R.K. Belew University of California, USA 9:25-9:50 a.m "Cobra: A new approach to IR System design" T. Mills, K. Moody, K. Rodden University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory. UK 9:50-10:15 a.m "Interactive Image Retrieval by Means of Abductive Inference" A. Muller, A. Everts GMD. Germany 10:15-10:45 a.m Break and Demonstrations --------------------------------- SESSION 10: QUERY REFORMULATION --------------------------------- Chairman: J.C. Bassano, Universite d'Orleans France. 10:45-11:10 a.m "Query modification based on relevance backpropagation" M. Boughanem, C. Soule-Dupuy Universite de Limoges,Universite de Toulouse 1, France 11:10-11:35 a.m "Query ReFormulation on the Internet: Empirical Data and the Hyperindex Search Engine" P.D. Bruza , S. Dennis Queensland University of Technology, Australia 11:35-12:00 a.m SQLET: Short Query Linguistic Expansion Techniques: Palliating One or Two-word Queries by Providing Intermediate Structure to WWW Pages G. Grefenstette Rank Xerox Research Centre, Grenoble, France 12:00-1:30 p.m LUNCH --------------------------------- SESSION 11: INFORMATION FILTERING --------------------------------- Chairman: V. Semenova, ANALIT, Moscow 1:30-1:55 p.m "Probabilistic Learning for Information Filtering" G. Amati , F. Crestani, F. Ubaldini, S. de Nardis Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Universita di Padova, Universita di Roma, Italy 1:55-2:20 p.m "Using Syntactic Information in Document Filtering: A Comparative Study of Part-of-speech Tagging and Supertagging" R. Chandrasekar , B. Srinivas University of Pennsylvania, USA 2:20-2:45 p.m "Querying Hierarchical Text and Acyclic Hypertext with Generalized Context-Free Grammars" Y. Marcoux, M. Sevigny Universite de Montreal, Canada 2:45-3:15 p.m Break and Demonstrations ------------------------------------- SESSION 12: INFORMATION EXTRACTION II ------------------------------------- Chairman: J.P. Haton, Universite Henri-Poincare, Nancy I, France 3:15-3:40 p.m "A probabilistic model of Passage Categorization" M. Iwayama, T. Tokunaga Advanced Research Laboratory, Japan 3:40-4:05 p.m "Knowledge Discovery From Natural Language Texts" U. Hahn, K. Schnattinger Freiburg University, Germany 4:05-4:30 p.m "Extraction of Index Words from Manuals" H. Nakagawa Yokohama National University, Japan -------------------------------- SESSION 13: JUDICIAL PROBLEMS -------------------------------- Chairman: J. Perriere, C.I.D. France 4:30-4:55 p.m "Limits of Using Data" Maitre Feral-Schuhl Ordre Des Avocats du Barreau de Paris, France. 4:55-5:20 p.m "Data Security" Maitre G. Arendt President of Computer Commission of the International Union of Lawyers, Luxemburg 5:20-5:45 p.m "Security Concerns On The Intranet" Maitre Landry Montreal, Canada. Union Internationale des Avocats. 5:45-6:15 p.m Conclusions --------------------------------------------- SPECIAL SESSION Cooperation program between France and Quebec Linguistic and knowledge engineering ---------------------------------------------- Chairman : S. Chaudiron, program coordinator for France (Ministry for education and research, DISTNB) 9:00 - 9:15 a.m Presentation of the program Antoine Mynard, Attache pour la Science et la Technologie, Consulat general de France au Quebec 9:15 - 9:45 a.m Tools for Lexicographers: Applications of the Explanatory and Combinatorial Lexicography Alain Polguere, Gilles Serasset Departement de linguistique et de traduction, Universite de Montreal; GETA-CLIPS, IMAG, Universite Joseph Fourier - Grenoble I. 9:45 - 10:15 a.m Automatic processing of synonymy Gaston Gross, Andre Clas Laboratoire de linguistique et informatique-UMR 195, Universite Paris 13, France.; GRESLET, Universite de Montreal. 10:15 - 10:45 a.m The Semantics of Spatial Expressions and the Voronoi Model A. Gryl, Geoffrey Edwards LIMSI, Universite de Paris Sud; Centre de Recherche en geomatique, Universite Laval. 10:45 - 11:00 a.m Emergentist classifiers and computationnally enhanced cognition: applications to text analysis and diagnosis. Vincent Rialle, Jean-Guy Meunier Laboratoire TIMC, IMAG, Universite Joseph Fourier ; Laboratoire d'analyse de l'information, Universite du Quebec a Montreal. 10:45 - 11:00 a.m BREAK Chairman Claude Fleury, program coordinator for Quebec, Ministere des relations internationales du Quebec 11:00 - 11:30 a.m Connecting "What to say?" and "How to say it?" components in a text generation system Laurence Danlos, Guy Lapalme TALANA, Universite Paris 7; DIRO, Universite de Montreal. 11:30 - 12:00 Recycling the results of robust parsers to identify term variants Benoit Habert, Suzanne Bertrand- Gastaldy, Adeline Nazarenko, Fernande Dupuis, Elie Naulleau, Monique Lemieux ENS Fontenay; Universite de Montreal; LIPN; UQAM; DER/EDF; 12:00 - 12:30 p.m The integration of French language processing and user features in an information retrieval system Jean-Pierre Chevallet, Jian-Yun Nie CLIPS-IMAG, Universite Joseph Fourier; Universite de Montreal. 12:30 - 1:00 a.m Text retrieval and filtering using concept-based clustering method, Jacques Guizol, Ruben Gonzalez Rubio Laboratoire d'informatique de Marseille, Universite de Mediterranee, et Universite de Sherbrooke. ------------------------ CONFERENCE REGISTRATION ------------------------ Registration via the WWW at or by e-mail: or by fax at the CID: (33) 01 48 78 49 61 or (33) 01 45 26 84 45 or by surface mail: CID, 36 bis rue Ballu, 75009 Paris, France CID, c/o Constantin and co., 575 Madison Ave, 25th Floor, NY, NY 10022, USA ------------------ Registration Fees ------------------ (before June 1, 1997): US$ 475 or CA$ 650 or 415 ECUS (from June 1, 1997): US$ 530 or CA$ 725 or 460 ECUS Students (presenting valid Student ID): (before June 1, 1997): US$ 315 or CA$ 435 or 275 ECUS (from June 1, 1997): US$ 390 or CA$ 530 or 340 ECUS Registration fees can be made by bank transfer: in US dollars: CID/CASIS No: 02 050 25 061 2 Banque Societe Generale, Agence Montmartre, 89 rue de Clichy, 75009 Paris, France or CASIS No: 15 39 90 34 City Bank, 460 Park Avenue and 57th Street, NY, NY 10022 USA in Canadian dollars: CID No: 09-909-21 (No of transit: 0891) Banque Nationale du Canada, 700 Bd Rene Levesque Ouest Montreal (Quebec) H3B 1XS in ECUs: CID No: 055 500 65 48 1 Banque Societe Generale, Agence Montmartre, 89 rue de Clichy, 75009 Paris, France For Credit Card payments, only VISA Card can be accepted in writing or by faxing request to C.I.D. 36 bis rue Ballu, 75009 Paris, France, fax (33) 01 48 78 49 61 or (33) 01 45 26 84 45. Registration includes access to all presentations and sessions, including the Working Group,Thursday morning, June 26th, and a copy of the proceedings. On-Site Registration will take place on Tuesday June 24 from 5 pm, and on Wednesday June 25, from 8 am on. Telephones accepting credit cards are available throughout the University. Lunches can be taken at the University Cafeteria, 3840 McTavish Street. Lunch tickets will be available at the Registration Desk for $10 (Canadian) per ticket. McGill University is located in the center of Montreal and numerous other restaurants are available nearby. An optional visit and dinner will be organized for RIAO'97 participants June 26th at 7 p.m. ------------------- AIRFARE AND HOTELS -------------------- Reductions in air fare will be possible for flights leaving from France. Contact the CID before June 1, 1997. A block of rooms have been reserved at several hotels in Montreal at a special rate for RIAO97 participants. When you make your reservation, please indicate that you are a participant of RIAO97 Conference. In most cases, rooms will only be held at a special rate until one month before the conference. Hotels list ----------- Chateau de Versailles 1659 Sherbrooke St. West Montreal, Quebec H3H 1E3 Tel : (514) 933-3611 Fax: (514) 933-6867 prix: single $ 89 per night Castel Durocher 3488 Durocher Montreal, Quebec H2X 2E1 Tel : (514) 282-1697 Fax: (514) 282-0025 prix: single $ 85 per night Delta Montreal 450 Sherbrooke St. West Montreal, Quebec H3A 2T4 Tel : (514) 286-1986 Fax: (514) 284-4306 prix: single $ 119 per night Howard Johnson 475 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal, Quebec H3A 2L9 Tel : (514) 842-3961 Fax: (514) 842-0945 prix: single $ 98 per night Best Western Ville Marie Hotel 3407 Peel Street Montreal, Quebec Tel : (514) 288-4141 Fax: (514) 288-3021 prix: single $ 99 per night Manoir Ambrose 3422 rue Stanley Montreal Canada H3A IR8 Tel : (514) 288-6922 Fax: (514) 288-5757 prix: single $ 80 per night Manoir Sherbrooke 157 rue Sherbrooke West H2X 1C7 Tel : (514) 285-0895 Fax: (514) 284-1125 prix: single $ 80 par nuit Casa Bella 264 rue Sherbrooke West H2X 1X9 Tel : (514) 849-2777 Fax: (514) 849-1126 prix: single $ 80 per night -------------------- Programme Committee -------------------- Canadian Co-Chair : L. DEVROYE McGill University, Montreal (Canada). French Co-Chair : C. CHRISMENT Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (France). Members: J. ARAMBERRI (ES) Universidad del Pais Vasco J.C. BASSANO (FR) Universite d'Orleans P. BRUZA (AU) Queensland University of Technology R. CENCIONI (CEE) Commission of the European Communities D.G. ELLIMAN (UK) University of Nottingham C. FLUHR (FR), CEA, Saclay G. GREFENSTETTE (FR) Rank Xerox J.C. GUEDON (CA) Universite de Montreal J. HAN (CA) Simon Fraser University D. HARMAN (US) National Institute of Standards and Technology J.P. HATON (FR) Universite de Nancy U. HEID (GR) University of Stuttgart C. JACQUEMIN (FR) Universite de Nantes G. KIKUI (JP) NTT Information and Communication Laboratory J. KLAVANS (US) Colombia University, New York R.R. KORFHAGE (US) University of Pittsburgh J. H. LEE (KR) Korea Research and Development Center P. LOPISTEGUY (ES) Universidad del Pais Vasco R. MARCUS (USA) Massachusetts Institute of Technology B. MERIALDO (FR) Institut EURECOM A. MOFFAT (AU) University of Melbourne J. MOTHE (FR) Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse S. H. MYAENG (KR) Chungnam National University T. PRABHAKAR (IN) Indian Institute of Technology of Kampur S.T. SARACEVIC (US) Rutgers University P. SCHAUBLE (SZ) ETH Zentrum, Zurich F. SEBASTIANI (IT) Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pisa A. SEFFAH (CA) CRIM, Montreal V. SEMENOVA (RU) ANALIT, LTD S. TOHME (FR) ENST, PARIS R. WILKINSON (AU) Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology ----------------------- Application Committee ----------------------- Co-Chair: A.EL ZAIM Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montreal. Canada Co-Chair: C. BROCHARD Canope. France ------------------------- Organization Committee -------------------------- Coordination: J. PERRIERE, Secretaire general du C.I.D P. BRODNITZ USA S. MALLEM France J.Y. NIE Canada A. SAOUDI France