PVLR Forum at ALA Susan Davis 19 May 1997 14:37 UTC

            1997 ALA Annual Meeting, San Francisco
        ALA ALCTS Publisher/Vendor Library Relations Committee

                    Open Forum on Consortia


              Monday   June 30, 1997   9:30-11:00 am
                    Hotel Nikko, Grey Pearl 1

Consortial arrangements for electronic resources are now in vogue,
but most libraries are learning as they go. Come hear what
publishers, vendors, librarians, and consorial administrators with
experience in the negotiating trenches have to tell us about:

        **Defining Consortia**
        **Consortial** licensing agreements,
        **Consortial** pricing models
        **Intra-Consortial** service issues

and other issues regarding these arrangements.

Bring your questions to ask the panelists...

 ... and join us at the PVLRC Open Forum.

See you by the Bay!

Cynthia Shelton                         Susan Davis
PVLR Forum Co-Chair                     PVLR Forum Co-Chair
Head, Bibliographers Group              Head, Periodicals
UCLA University Research Library        State University of NY at Buffalo

ph:  (310) 825-1324                     (716) 645-2784
fax: (310) 206-4974                     (716) 645-5955
email: cshelton@library.ucla.edu        email: unlsdb@acsu.buffalo.edu