Call for Articles, _The Acquisitions Librarian_ (Will Jarvis) Ann Ercelawn 15 May 1997 19:11 UTC

Date: Thu, 15 May 1997 10:15:50 -0700
From: Will Jarvis <jarvis@WSU.EDU>
Subject: Call for articles: an online managemnet report issue of _The
 Acquisitions Librarian_

FYI: do send me your ideas for articles by the end of May latest.
I am doing a guest isue, tentatively entitled "Acquiring the online
managemeet report":

Here are more particulars:

Call for Articles:

Hi there!  I am the guest editor for a pending (1998?) volume of
_The Acquisitions Librarian_, with the working title of "Acquiring
Management Reports Online."  If interested, please submit a
proposal, outline, abstract, sketch, etc. to me by June 1st at the
latest, by whatever method you consider efficacious.  This will be
quite a broad-scope, "big tent" theme issue.  Therefore, I have
appended my draft editorial introduction to further orient you to the
"thematic panorama" of this pending volume.

Please feel free to post this "Call" to everyone and every list.  (I
am not a fussy nitpicker, by the way, so do you send me your


                        Draft "Introduction"

"Acquiring the Online Management Report:
An Editorial Introduction"

Acquiring Management Reports Online:
A number of The Acquisitions Librarian

William E. Jarvis, Guest Editor

The scope of this volume of articles is a very broad one, and,
indeed, is as open-ended as the changing, developing set of roles
that encompass acquisitions librarianship and the vagaries of
collection management. it is as wide as the "Management Information"
menu-area of ILS's such as INNOPAC, for example.

Traditionally, of course, the editorial scope of _The Acquisitions
Librarian_ has been broader than "just Acquisitions".  Witness no. 8
of TAL: "Popular Culture and Acquisitions," which presents an
integrated collection management/collection development/acquisitions
approach.  Number 6: "Evaluation, Acquisitions, and Collection
Management" also manifests this broad and "deep" approach to

Of  course, Acquisitions is not now "just Acquisitions", nor has it
ever really been "just Acquisitions" - at least in my opinion and

Increasingly libraries, and thus their Acquisitions Librarians,
acquire copyright access (as well as traditional, physically
resident, manually retrievable material, copy cataloging, and
management information reports.

In regard to reports (and executive-type summaries,
"decision-support" data) Acquisitions Librarians have always been
acquiring/crafting/compiling management reports, both "narrow
acquisitions" ones (funds, number of orders) and the broader
comparative collection management reports too.

Now the opportunities available from online integrated systems and a
variety of "external online system" sources make the tasks of
acquiring online management reports a growing area.  It's a curious
thing that report writer features are valued enough to be RFPed, but
it seems rare for an ILS to be ruled out primarily on the basis of
its "reportology" features.

Whether it's a circulation user report or a class range volume
count, "yet to pay this year" order record survey or a fund balance
report hierarchy, the librarian must acquire the report, canned or ad
hoc, turnkey or custom-built.  "Acquiring management reports online"
is a "big tent" topic.  Thus the varied contributions published here
clearly demonstrate the vast opportunities and challenges before us
in acquiring online management reports of all sorts,
acquisitions-module-specific" and otherwise.

Will Jarvis, Head, Acquisitions
Washington State Univ. Libraries
Pullman, WA 99164-5610