Date: Thu, 15 May 1997 09:48:59 -0400 From: Pamela Bluh <pbluh@UMABNET.AB.UMD.EDU> Subject: preconference announcement *********PRECONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT********** Friday, June 27, 1997 12:30 - 5:00 pm Marriott Hotel "WRITE ON! A HALF-DAY WORKSHOP FOR ASPIRING WRITERS" Sponsored by the LAMA SASS Publications Committee Take advantage of this one-time opportunity to hear and work with experienced authors and editors, take advantage of their expertise in honing your writing skills and join your colleagues in learning how to produce effective and impressive written products. More and more librarians are being asked to "put it in writing."Regardless of your reasons for honing your writing skills, this workshop has something for you! A distinguished panel of speakers from within as well as outside the library community will present practical information on writing research papers; preparing book reviews and commentaries; drafting press releases and other public relations material; and developing an oral presentation into a written report. Following the formal presentations, attendees will participate in two focused breakout sessions where they will work in small groups with professional writers and editors to review previously submitted writing samples and discuss specific issues and share information related to the writing process. PROGRAM 12:30 pm Registration 1:00 pm Welcome and Introductions 1:15 pm Keynote Address Tom Goldstein Professor (and former dean) Graduate School of Journalism University of California, Berkeley & incoming Dean, Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University "Preparing Research for Publication" Joan Giesecke former editor "LA&M" Dean of Libraries, University of Nebraska Lincoln "Preparing a Book Review or Commentary" Patricia Holt Book Review Editor San Francisco Chronicle "Transforming an Oral Presentation for Publication" Jerry Di Vecchio Senior Editor Sunset Magazine "Writing Press Releases and Other Public Relations Material" Peter Handel Shoemaker/Handel Publicity Services Berkeley, CA 2:45 pm Break 3:00 pm First Breakout session 3:50 pm Second breakout session 4:40 pm Wrap up and evaluation LAMA thanks Apple Computer, Inc., Information Access Company, CARL Corp. (A Knight Ridder Information Company), and Sun Microsystems Inc. for their generous support of this preconference. REGISTRATION: The deadline for registration is JUNE 13. Register by mail, fax, phone, or e-mail. Check, money order, governmental purchase order, or credit card must accompany registration to reserve space at the preconference. Registration fee for nonmembers also includes membership in LAMA. Cancellations accepted until June 13, subject to a $25 processing fee. Refunds will be processed after July 7, 1997. LAMA reserves the right to cancel a preconference if there is insufficient registration or for other reasons. Neither ALA nor LAMA is responsible for cancellation charges assessed by airlines or travel agencies or other losses incurred due to cancellation of a preconference. MAIL: Return form with payment to: LAMA Preconferences, ALA, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611-2795. FAX: Fax form with payment information (credit card or purchase order only) to 312-280-3257. PHONE: Call 800-545-2433, ext. 5032. E-mail: send registration and payment information (credit card or purchase order only) to: Specify preconference title. BREAKOUT SESSIONS AND WRITING SAMPLE You may select two breakout sessions. Please rank your choices from 1-4, with 1 for most preferred. Registrations will be processed in the order received. If space is not available, you will be given your next ranked choice. ___ Research Papers ___Book Reviews ___ Oral Presentations ___ Press Releases I will ___ will not ___ submit a writing sample(s). (Maximum of two, no more than 250 words each). Submit writing samples to: Pamela Bluh, 8594 Hayshed Lane, Columbia, MD 21045-2614 or email: REGISTRATION FORM ________________________________________________________________ Name (as it should appear on badge) ________________________________________________________________ Title ________________________________________________________________ Organization Name (as it should appear on badge) ________________________________________________________________ Organization Address ________________________________________________________________ City State Zip ________________________________________________________________ Preferred mailing address ________________________________________________________________ City State Zip ________________________________________________________________ Telephone: (Office) (Home) ________________________________________________________________ Fax ________________________________________________________________ E-mail Address FEES: LAMA Member ALA Member Non-ALA Member $75.00 $120.00 $165.00 Note: Staff of organizational members are not considered personal members. Amount enclosed: _________________________ Payment information: ____ Check or Money Order ___ Governmental Purchase Order ____ VISA ____ Mastercard ____ American Express CARD NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE SIGNATURE (required for all charges)