Re: Binding Combined Year-End Issues (Lisa Stienbarger) Ann Ercelawn 15 May 1997 13:45 UTC

Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 18:24:29 -0500
From: "Lisa M. Stienbarger" <Lisa.M.Stienbarger.2@ND.EDU>
Subject: Re: Binding Combined Year-End Issues (Becky Bernal)

We "call it what it is".  For example, say an issue is labeled by the
publisher as v.21 no.12 1996 Dec.19/Jan.6.  That particular issue is bound
with no.1-11, no.1 is July 3 (24 issues per volume/yr.).  We would label
the spine as follows:

July 3-

Some people have complained, they say the spine is too cluttered.  Others
like having all the information.  You'll never please everyone.

At 04:16 PM 5/14/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 13:56:25 -0600
>From: Becky Bernal <bbernal@MESA5.MESA.COLORADO.EDU>
>Subject: Binding Combined Year-End Issues
>I am interested in comments concerning the binding of combined year-end
>issues. (Example: Dec 31,1996/Jan 1, 1997).  We are trying to come up with
>some standards regarding this dilemma.  It is much easier for us and
>our binder if we just label the spine of the bound volume with the title,
>volume, and only one year, as oppossed to title, volume, and year-month,
>day, year.  However, depending on how these double issues are being
>indexed, simplifying the spine too much could pose a problem for patrons
>looking for a specific issue.  Any feedback regarding binding policies
>for these types of issues would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!
>Becky Bernal
>Mesa State College
>Tomlinson Library
>Grand Junction, CO
Lisa Stienbarger
Commercial Bindery Prep. Unit
Preservation Dept.
Univ.of Notre Dame