Binding Combined Year-End Issues (Becky Bernal)
Ann Ercelawn 14 May 1997 21:16 UTC
Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 13:56:25 -0600
From: Becky Bernal <bbernal@MESA5.MESA.COLORADO.EDU>
Subject: Binding Combined Year-End Issues
I am interested in comments concerning the binding of combined year-end
issues. (Example: Dec 31,1996/Jan 1, 1997). We are trying to come up with
some standards regarding this dilemma. It is much easier for us and
our binder if we just label the spine of the bound volume with the title,
volume, and only one year, as oppossed to title, volume, and year-month,
day, year. However, depending on how these double issues are being
indexed, simplifying the spine too much could pose a problem for patrons
looking for a specific issue. Any feedback regarding binding policies
for these types of issues would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Becky Bernal
Mesa State College
Tomlinson Library
Grand Junction, CO