Re: Bibliographic records for IAC full-text journals (Promilla Bansal)
Ann Ercelawn 14 May 1997 16:41 UTC
Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 09:44:25 -0500
From: Promilla Bansal <pbansal@ACFSYSV.ROOSEVELT.EDU>
Subject: Re: Bibliographic records for IAC full-text journals (Eleanor Cook)
As I understand the titles in the Expanded Academic Index are selectively
indexed. Is this true or they are completely online thru the Index?
> One of the libraries in our consortium has subscribed to IAC's
> full-text Expanded Academic Index product -- the other two schools in
> the consortium are still using the version without the full text, but
> we are probably all going to go to it eventually.
> In discussing how to show users that they have access to these
> journal titles, we came up with a quandry. For titles that are
> also held in-house in paper or microform, it is easy enough to add a
> note to the holdings that says something like: ALSO AVAILABLE VIA
> But, for titles that are only accessible via Infotrac, what to
> do about bibliographic records? Our online system (Innopac) requires
> a bib record for each title. Usually they come from OCLC. We create
> brief bib records for on-order materials that we could not find in
> OCLC, and for a limited number of other odd situations. However, the
> catalogers do not like the idea of creating hundreds of brief records
> for this purpose and it goes against our consortium guidelines anyway.
> There are no records in OCLC for these titles - not that we've found,
> anyway. Someone is talking to IAC about the possibility of having them
> provide records as part of the product, but that is still in the idea
> stage, so does us no good now. The only other solution we've come up with
> is to download the print version of the record from OCLC and simply use
> that with a local note indicating that what is owned is actually the
> IAC version. Another option that was totally rejected for
> reasons you can understand - creating original records to put in OCLC
> - we do not have the staff for this!
> So, has anyone else wrestled with this problem and what did you do?
> Of course, another option is to do nothing, but we think it would be
> useful to point to these titles from the online catalog and so
> we want to do something.
> Thanks,
> Eleanor Cook
> Western North Carolina Library Network (WNCLN)
> *********************************************************************
> Eleanor I. Cook 704-262-2786 (wrk)
> Serials Specialist 704-262-2773 (fax)
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> Appalachian State University
> Boone, NC 28608
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