A Brief Survey: Acquisitions on the Web (Anna Belle Leiserson) Ann Ercelawn 02 May 1997 20:35 UTC

Date: Fri, 02 May 1997 14:42:18 -0600
From: Anna Belle Leiserson <leiserson@LIBRARY.VANDERBILT.EDU>
Subject: A Brief Survey: Acquisitions on the Web

[Cross-posted to ACQNET, AN2, LIS-Acq, LITA-L and SERIALST]


If you have a Web site for Acquisitions, a general technical services
Web site with acquisitions information, or are currently designing
one, would you be so kind as to answer the following five questions?
We are gathering this information for a discussion group at the
Business of Acquisitions Advanced Institute, and will post the
results of the survey on our home page.

(1) What is your URL?  May we use this site for our presentation?

(2) What do you have on your Web site?  (Possibilities include
mission statements, policies, procedures, staff directories,
resources for professional development, purchase request forms,

(3)  Who uses it (faculty, staff, etc.)? How?

(4)  Who is responsible for upkeep of the site? Is this an official
job responsibility? Should it be?

(5) What external resources would you like to see (e.g. from
publishers, material vendors, ILS vendors)?

Please respond directly to Anna Belle Leiserson
(leiserson@library.vanderbilt.edu) or Marilyn Geller

If you are interested in more information about the institute, please
see the web site:
We will make our research available at: