NASIG Conference Gathering Thomas Champagne 22 Apr 1997 20:25 UTC

    The Lavender Information and Library Association (LILA) of the
University of Michigan invites North American Serials Interest Group
(NASIG) 12th Annual Conference attendees to a pre-dinner reception to be
held at the Clements Library on Saturday, May 31st, 1997, beginning at
5:30 p.m. LILA is an organization of the University of Michigan Library
system and students from the School of Information who's mission is to
promote awareness of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues
within the School of Information, the University Library, and throughout
the University of Michigan.

This reception is being sponsored by the Library Diversity Committee of
the University of Michigan Library.

For further information, please contact Thomas Champagne (email address:
 Thomas E. Champagne, Serial Electronic Resources Cataloging Librarian
           and 1997 North American Serials Interest Group
              Conference Planning Committee Co-Chair
 320 Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library North  e-mail:
 University of Michigan                      phone:   (313) 763-3426
 Ann Arbor, MI  48109-1205                     fax:   (313) 763-5080