"musty" smell Andrew Leonhart 18 Apr 1997 15:13 UTC

Greetings fellow serials people:

As I was walking around the library this morning I smelled a familiar
odor.   It is the musty smell of some old "Life" magazines.  They date
back to 1937.  I have a friend who is a microbiologist but thought that
I would ask you all first.

Is this an indication of mold, mildew or some other damaging element?

If so, could it spread to the other library materials?

Advice appreciated.

Thank you,

Andrew E. Leonhart              "When I get a little money,
Mabee Library                   I buy books;
MidAmerica Nazarene College     and if any is left,
2030 E. College Way             I buy food and clothes."
Olathe, KS 66062
                                -Erasmus, Desiderius (1466-1536)
(913) 782-3750 x162             Dutch scholar
(913) 791-3285 (fax)