ALA Midwinter
Monday, February 17, 1997
Z39.71 Update Marjorie Bloss
Marjorie Bloss spoke about the proposed NISO Standard Z39.71. The Committee
on Z39.71 seeks to combine the two current standards (Z39.44 and Z39.57).
The Committee is made up of people who use the standards and library
vendors. In 1980, the first NISO standard for serials was adopted
(Z39.42). NISO Z39.44 is for summary and detail level, and Z39.42 was
withdrawn upon its approval. The NISO standard for nonserial holdings is
Z39.57. When the first draft of NISO Z39.71 was sent to ballot it was not
approved. The current Z39.71 committee was charged to resolve the issues.
While the committee was beginning its work an international holdings
standard was approved. The international standard was very clear and well
worded, but it didn*t address non-serial items. The NISO committee decided
to base as much of their own work on the ISO standard as possible. In
addition, to the NISO holdings standards, the library community has also
developed a MARC format for holdings. In their efforts to develop an
acceptable standard, the NISO Committee looked at a number of items
including the current NISO standards, the formerly proposed Z39.71 standard
and the current ISO standard. The committee discussed several topics
including multiple versions and holdings format containing different
captions, enumeration, chronology, and punctuation.
A question and answer period followed. Does the standard address coding for
electronic formats? Not separately from what has already been developed--it
follows the Library of Congress list. Is the current draft of the standard
final? No. The standard should go out for balloting in June. Balloting
normally takes around three months. Will the standard be posted to the
listserv? No, only voting members of NISO will receive copies of the
standard at the balloting stage.
OCLC Update Collette Mak
LDR Batch Updating -. The first implementation of the LDR batch project
has three basic goals: to create and maintain summary statements from
detailed (level 3 from level 4) at the copy level; create and update
composite institution holdings statements from summary holding statements;
and, to create an SCHD for copy level and SIHD for composite holdings
statements. Pilot Project is underway with test data from three libraries.
The outline for the USMARC Holdings elements needed for the Local Data
Record Updating Service is available at URL
http://www.oclc.org/oclc/specs/batch.htm. This site is a work in progress
so assume that there will be changes.
Questions from the group: Which local systems are involved? Notis, VTLS,
LDR database in FirstSearch -OCLC will be offering union list information as
a FirstSearch database in June.* This new database will include all LDRs and
their related serials records. Users will be able to search by state, union
list, contributing library symbol or, name. This is the first phase in a
planned three phase project to provide libraries with union list information
through FirstSearch.
*Note--OCLC now expects to introduce the LDR database in July.
Questions from the group: How often would the LDR data be updated? OCLC
hasn't decided yet, WorldCat is updated nightly. How often does the group
feel the LDR database should be updated? Overnight, the information should
be as current as possible.
Online Changes - LDR number has been suppressed.
(OCLC Note: for more information see URL
http://www.oclc.org/oclc/bit/200/9702.htm#bp4 or, go to the OCLC home page,
click on products and services, click on Collections and Technical Services,
page down to Bits and Pieces, this item is in the February Bits and Pieces
as a Resource Sharing update.)
Enhancements - if you have any suggestions for enhancements for either
Serials Union List Off-line Product (SULOP) or the online please send your
suggestions to:
Myrtle Myers: myersm@oclc.org
Collette Mak e-mail: makc@oclc.org
phone 1-800-858-5800
Topic suggestions for future meetings include:
1. Workflow
2. Duplicate form corrections
3. Changes to the SULOP order form
If anybody has other suggestions for the summer ALA meeting,
please contact me at tupin@lib.de.us or Collette at makc@oclc.org
See you in San Francisco!!
Jane Tupin
Chair, OCLC Union List of Serials Users Group
Jane Tupin * tupin@lib.de.us
Delaware Division of Libraries * 43 S. DuPont Highway, Dover, DE 19901
(v) (302) 739-4748 * (f) (302) 739-6948