Merrill-Palmer Quarterly (Linda McCammon-Whalen) Ann Ercelawn 14 Mar 1997 20:15 UTC

Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 13:33:42 -0600 (CST)
From: Linda McCammon-Whalen <lmcwh@BENTLEY.UNIVNORTHCO.EDU>
Subject: Merrill-Palmer Quarterly

I am relatively new to serial cataloging and have a question I hope someone
can answer for me. We subscribe to Merrill-Palmer Quarterly (OCLC #8798266)
and the Marc tag 222 shows the year 1960 in subfield b. Why is the year
1960 instead of 1982 when the title changed?  Does it have something to
do with the ISSN being the same as the previous title?

Thanks for your help.
Linda McCammon-Whalen
James A Michener Library
University of Northern Colorado
Greeely  CO 80639-0001
