Shelving Setup (Linda McCammon-Whalen) Ann Ercelawn 14 Mar 1997 20:13 UTC

Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 13:15:17 -0600 (CST)
From: Linda McCammon-Whalen <lmcwh@BENTLEY.UNIVNORTHCO.EDU>
Subject: Shelving Setup

I have been asked by our periodical department manager to seek help from
the "serial world" to see if anyone might be able to provide information
on a problem that we are having.

Do any of you have centralized shelving setup in your libraries that
maintain shelving/missing item searching for the entire library or do you
use department combinations, such as Periodicals & Reference, Circulation &
Periodicals, etc.?

If so, how do you organize it and also staff it?

Thanks for your input and you can reply to my address.
Linda McCammon-Whalen
James A Michener Library
University of Northern Colorado
Greeely  CO 80639-0001
