Re: Software suggestions needed (Andrew Leonhart) Ann Ercelawn 14 Mar 1997 18:22 UTC

Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 11:27:32 -0600
From: Andrew Leonhart <aleonhar@MANC.EDU>
Subject: Re: Software suggestions needed (Mark Reineke)

At 11:11 AM 3/14/97 -0600, you wrote:
>Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 10:29:24 -0600
>From: Mark Reineke <reinekem@STF.SK.CA>
>Subject: Software suggestions
>I work in a small special library (approximately 500 serials).  We are
>looking for software to manage our journals.  It needs to: check-in
>journals, print routing slips, record holdings, and report missing issues.
>It should be Windows compatible and relatively inexpensive.
>If you have any suggestions, please reply directly to me.
>Thank you,
>Mark Reineke
>Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation

If you have any suggestions please respond to the List.
I would like to know of such a program as well.

Andrew Leonhart
Mabee Library
MidAmerica Nazarene College
2030 E. College Way
Olathe, KS 66062

(913) 782-3750 x162
(913) 791-3285 (fax)