Re: Faxon Pricing (2 messages) Ann Ercelawn 14 Mar 1997 00:26 UTC

2 messages:

Date: Thu, 13 Mar 1997 10:37:25 -0600
From: Di Neumeister <drneumei@LCAC1.LORAS.EDU>
Subject: Re: Faxon Pricing (Jeanette Skwor)

When I got the same memo, I called our customer service rep. at Faxon
Illinois (formerly Dawson) for more information.  She confirmed that the
additional charge would not show up separately on the invoice but would be
included in the subscription price.  I have checked Ulrich's for prices on a
couple of affected titles and the charge does seem to be there.

I, too, asked for a list of our titles which would be affected. I did
receive one, though there was a delay of several weeks. Our rep. said
that she'd had some trouble getting it from the department which runs and
prints them.  Maybe you just need to keep pushing?

For us, the percentage of titles affected is not all that large.  Besides,
some of the titles affected are "problem" subscriptions that were
transferred to Dawson/Faxon because dealing directly with the publisher
was eating up staff time.  Using Faxon for these titles is definitely
worth it, even with the extra charge.  As for the rest of the affected
titles, we'd rather not have the extra charge, but $5.00 is probably less
than it would cost us in staff time to process the individual renewal
notices, cut checks for each publisher, process claims and so on.

What are we doing about it?  We're paying.

Di Neumeister


Date: Thu, 13 Mar 1997 12:14:31 -0400
From: Stephen Clark <sdclar@MAIL.SWEM.WM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Faxon Pricing (Jeanette Skwor)

        I responded to Marie yesterday afternoon about this, but was
prompted to respond to the list by Jeanette's message.  We at the College
of William and Mary received the announcement last fall about the surcharge
(it is $ 5.00 US and $ 7.00 Canadian) by word of mouth and via a call from
our Faxon rep. before getting anything in writing about it.  Due to the
fact that we have a contract with Faxon which forbids this type of thing,
we are able to get out of it.  HOWEVER, the way the system works is that
Faxon has to bill us and then credit us for it.  Yes, this surcharge is
happening.  Just look at your invoices, some of which have only the $ 5.00
charge, some of which have it included in the supplemental charge.
        I was also able to obtain a list of titles affected by this
surcharge, with a total of what the surcharge will cost me.  Even though we
are getting credited the $ 5.00 it is costing both Faxon and the College
money in that they have to issue us a credit and we have to process it.
        There was also comment from Faxon representatives indicating that
all vendors will eventually be going this way.  After talking to other
vendor reps., I have found that to be to the contrary, and I actually have
in writing from one vendor that this will not be the case.

Stephen Clark

At 08:19 AM 3/13/97 -0600, you wrote:
>Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 13:15:57 -0600
>From: Jeanette Skwor <SKWORJ@GBMS01.UWGB.EDU>
>Subject: Re: Faxon Pricing (Marie Murphy)
>***I am responding to the list, and CCing Marie, because I'd like to hear
>what other Faxon clients are saying/doing, and am thinking others would
>also.  If you feel uncomfortable posting your info to Serialst, I would
>appreciate being CCed.
>***We received a mailed "Announcement" from Faxon in October, saying that
>they had
>         "instituted a Net Publisher Policy that assesses a nominal
>         fee of $5 [Jeanette's note: not $7] to every non-discounted
>         title."
>***I've heard nothing since; if they have begun including it, it's news to
>***I also called Faxon on October 21 (after receiving the announcement) and
>requested a list of titles affected, and have not yet received that list.
>Jeanette L. Skwor                              ((())
>Cofrin Library, Serials Dept.               ((((((()))
>University of Wisconsin-Green Bay          (( -  ~ - ))
>5420 Nicolet Drive                        ((  o    o  ))
>Green Bay, WI  54311-7001                ((((    |   ))))
>(414) 465-2670                            (((   -=-  )))
>                                \   /
>                                               /   \
>             "Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers."
>                                        --Tennyson
>                  "A light heart hath wisdom."
>                                        --Skwor
>> Has anybody else experienced the $7.00 charge from FAXON for certain
>> titles with the explanation that it is because FAXON did not get their
>> publisher discount for that particular title.  It is not listed on the
>> invoices as a separate charge, but included in the price.  Please respond
>> to me direct to tell me how you are handling it and how many of your
>> titles are effected.
>> Marie D. Murphy
>> Serials Supervisor
>> Technical Services
>> Halifax Regional Library
>> Phone (902)-869-4425


Stephen D. Clark                        phone:  757-221-3107
Acquisitions Librarian                  fax:  757-221-2635
College of William and Mary             e-mail:
Earl Gregg Swem Library
P.O. Box 8794
Williamsburg, VA  23187-8794