Re: Basic Binding Guidelines Needed (Anita Gordon-Gilmore) Ann Ercelawn 12 Mar 1997 23:38 UTC

Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 22:50:50 -0600 (CST)
From: Anita Gordon-Gilmore <LBAG@FHSUVM.FHSU.EDU>
Subject: Basic Binding Guidelines Needed (Andrew Leonhart)

   We wondered about the need for binding and archiving computer periodicals,
also. We asked for some wisdom from the people on our campus who would most
use these titles. We decided that most of these titles (MACUSER, PC WORLD,
INTERNET WORLD, INFOWORLD, etc.) could be discarded after three to five years.
   BYTE, however, was one title that was identified by users as worthy of
archiving. It was most likely to be used as a historical source.
   Perhaps this was not a very scientific study, but it seems to be working so

   I see we have 184 bound volumes of PUBLISHER'S WEEKLY! I'd like to hear
from others on this one.

   We have a general rule that we do not bind titles that we archive in
microform. Shelf space is at too much of a premium.

   We have also decided not to bind gifts that come in from the donor on an
issue-by-issue basis. Well, we so seldom have complete volumes anyway.
   Hope this helps.

Anita Gordon-Gilmore             e-mail:
Serials Librarian                phone: (913) 628-4090
Forsyth Library                  fax: (913) 628-4096
Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS 67601-4099