Serials workshop in TX and NM (Shannon Sanko) Ann Ercelawn 12 Mar 1997 15:45 UTC

Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 08:08:08 -0600
From: Shannon Sanko <amigos@AMIGOS.ORG>
Subject: Serials workshop in TX and NM

AMIGOS Bibliographic Council is sponsoring two serials workshop in

USMARC for Serials
April 22        San Antonio, TX
April 24        Albuquerque, NM

This full day workshop focuses on the cataloging rules and MARC coding
unique to serial materials.  If you know the basic cataloging rules and
MARC format, this workshop is designed to expand your knowledge and
skills of serials through lecture, discussion, and exercises.

Instructor: Beverly Geer-Butler, Head Cataloger, Trinity University, is
the current President of the North American Serials Interest Group;
member-at-large for the Serials Section of the Association for Library
Collections and Technical Services, American Library Association; and
co-editor of the Serials Report column published in Serials Librarian.

Fee:    AMIGOS Member $100 (register by April 2)
        Non-Member $150 (register by April 2)

Please contact Andi Allen ( at AMIGOS if you are
interested in attending!