Re: To bind or not to bind (Nancy Williamson) Ann Ercelawn 07 Mar 1997 17:46 UTC

Date: Fri, 07 Mar 1997 09:55:16 -0500
Subject: Re: To bind or not to bind (Steve Murden)

We are a large community college library, not a research library, but Steve's
3 listed choices (bind, replace on microform, or limit retention) are
exactly what we have been implementing.  Previously, this library had kept
everything forever.  Even kept neatly in Princeton files, loose issues fall
apart and generally disintegrate over time, especially if they see regular

We have been assessing our collection, and deciding to either limit retention
or, if the title is worth keeping, preserve on microfilm or bind.  This all
within the restraints of budget, of course!  At least we know where we are
heading.  Maybe someday we will actually get there...

Nancy Williamson, Periodicals Librarian
Nassau Community College, Garden City, NY