Donated Journals -- Copyright Law (2 messages)
Ann Ercelawn 06 Mar 1997 22:04 UTC
2 messages:
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 1997 15:00:14 -0600
From: Jenifer Holman <lib_holman@BOOKS.VITERBO.EDU>
Subject: Re: personal/institutional Prices
As a newcomer to the world of serials, I am intrigued by the recent
discussion regarding individual/institutional subscription rates and
the recent postings of laws regarding the appropriateness of donors giving
individual subscription bought journals to libraries. Are there indeed
such laws? Has ALA taken a stance on ethical issues involved? Any
further information on the subject would be greatly appreciated!
Jenifer Holman
Serials Librarian
Viterbo College
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 1997 13:34:18 -0800
From: Troy Farnham <tfarnham@CTC.CTC.EDU>
Subject: Donated Journals - Copyright Law
>|> Date: Wed, 05 Mar 1997 14:27:00 -0800
>|> From: Mike Scully <mscully@SWEDISH.ORG>
>|> Subject: Re: Personal/Institutional Prices (Eleanor Cook)
>Recently, we were disappointed to learn that "donated" journals -- this
>|> would include ones received on an individual subscription, then donated to
>|> the library -- are unacceptable for providing photocopies, particularly for
>|> interlibrary loan. It is considered a violation of copyright law. (For
>|> those that don't know, medical/health sciences libraries depend rather
>|> heavily on ILL.)
Can someone explain why it is a violation of copyright law and or where I
can find that information? I have the "COPYRIGHT LAW Of The United States of
America" but I cannot find any info pertaining to this.
Troy Farnham
Library Tech II
Alan Thompson Library
Lower Columbia College
Longview, WA