Reasons for Cancellations (Judith Oswood)
Ann Ercelawn 06 Mar 1997 19:50 UTC
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 1997 08:44:49 -0900
From: "Oswood, Judith" <fnjlo@AURORA.ALASKA.EDU>
Subject: Re: Claims/WWW and One Question (Tom White)
Regarding Tom White's question about the best way to find out why a title
was cancelled. I deal with several thousand titles per year. Since the
majority of the titles are purchased through a jobber, I would have to
look up addresses for each publisher before I could inform them of the
reason for cancellation. I'm sure that everyone out there realizes what a
time sink this would be. I do try to answer any inquiries sent by a
publisher. I'm not the one who makes the decision (the faculty of the
particular dept. and the librarians do that), but I do understand the
publishers desire to know why their title was singled out. When I receive
a renewal notice for a cancelled title, if it has a return envelope, I
usually write a quick note (i.e. Cancelled - budget cuts). Hopefully, this
will tell the publisher a little bit and stop the renewal notices from
being mailed constantly. I guess my question in return is: Is this
effective? Does anyone actually read those notes, or am I just wasting my
Judith Oswood
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Rasmuson Library/Periodicals
P.O. Box 756811
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-6811