Re: Binding Continued (Dena Lahue) Ann Ercelawn 05 Mar 1997 23:49 UTC

Date: Wed, 05 Mar 1997 16:03:00 -0600
From: Dena Lahue <dlahue@FAULKNER.EDU>
Subject: Binding continued (Ingrid Moss)

======== Original Message ========
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 1997 15:57:14 -0500
From: Ingrid Grimes Moss <imoss@PEACE.EDU>
Subject: Binding continued

One person's request question regarding "when and when not to bind"
answered some questions, and led me to ask something else.  For those of
you who do not bind certain titles, how do you store them?  Or do you
just throw them away?  We have been using Princeton file boxes,
preferably the clear plastic type you can see through.  Is this what
some of you are doing also, or do you have other means of storage?

Ingrid Grimes Moss
Peace College
======== Fwd by: Dena Lahue ========
Ingrid, for titles that we do not bind, we store them in plastic Princeton
file boxes or another size plastic magazine box.  For larger items, we often
use copier paper boxes (e.g. Chronicle of Higher Education).

Dena Lahue
Faulkner University
Montgomery, AL