Re: Publisher inquiry re: Claims, WWW (Freya Anderson)
Ann Ercelawn 05 Mar 1997 21:34 UTC
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 1997 09:27:15 -0900
From: Freya Anderson <anfna@UAA.ALASKA.EDU>
Subject: Re: Publisher inquiry re: claims, WWW
I agree with Ms. Clay that notecards with issues listing publications
schedules are good. However, we often have students opening mail who just
toss the paper with the address labels to be recycled. I'm afraid that
some publication schedules would get lost with the "junk." My favorite
is what the University of Chicago Press has done. When they are falling
behind, they send out a postcard apologizing for the delay and listing the
next 2-4 anticipated publication dates.
I also agree with Ms. Clay about the web sites. It's nice for the
publication information to be available, but it's not practical to spend
the time finding web sites for multiple titles.
Just my $.02!
Freya Anderson
University of Alaska Anchorage
Consortium Library